Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • BFS is a non-recursive algorithm that traverses a tree by visiting all the nodes at a given level before moving on to the next level.
  • BFS is efficient for trees that are wide and shallow, as it ensures that all the nodes at a given level are visited before any of the nodes at the next level.

Which tree traversal is most efficient?

The efficiency of a tree traversal depends on the specific tree structure and the operation being performed. However, in general, the following are the most efficient tree traversals:

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The efficiency of a tree traversal depends on the specific tree structure and the operation being performed. However, in general, DFS is more efficient for deep and narrow trees, BFS is more efficient for wide and shallow trees, and inorder traversal is efficient for binary search trees. The time complexity of the three main tree traversals is O(n), and the space complexity is also O(n)....