Building Image-Based Product Recommendation Systems

Image-based recommendation systems

  • We can integrate image-based recommendation systems into e-commerce platforms using programming languages like Python. This allows us to recommend products that visually resemble the ones users have viewed.
  • Tools like Algolia’s LookingSimilar use machine learning to analyze visual content and provide compatible suggestions alongside traditional recommendation models, further enhancing these systems.

These systems not only make it easier for users to find products similar to what they’re interested in, but also improve the accuracy of product recommendations, potentially leading to higher sales in e-commerce.

Step 1: Importing Libraries

  • numpy: Scientific computing and array operations.
  • pickle: Serializing and deserializing Python objects.
  • tensorflow: Building and training neural networks.
  • tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50: Pre-trained ResNet50 model for image classification.
  • tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image: Loading and preprocessing images.
  • tensorflow.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPool2D: Global max pooling layer for spatial data.
  • sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors: Nearest Neighbors algorithm for finding closest data points.
  • os: Interacting with the operating system, listing directory files.
  • numpy.linalg.norm: Calculating the norm of a vector.
  • PIL (Python Imaging Library): Image handling and manipulation.
  • tkinter: Creating GUI applications.
  • cv2 (OpenCV): Image processing and computer vision tasks.
import numpy as np
import pickle as pkl
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50, preprocess_input
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
from tensorflow.keras.layers import GlobalMaxPool2D
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import os
from numpy.linalg import norm
from PIL import Image as PILImage, ImageTk
import tkinter as tk
import cv2

Step 2: Load Image Data:

  • Load image filenames from the ‘images’ directory.
# dataset link:
filenames = []
for file in os.listdir('images'):
    filenames.append(os.path.join('images', file))
  • os.listdir(‘images’) lists all files in the ‘images’ directory.
  • os.path.join(‘images’, file) constructs the full path to each file.

Step 3: Load and Prepare the Model

Load the pre-trained ResNet50 model without the top layer and add a GlobalMaxPool2D layer to it.

ResNet50(weights=’imagenet’, include_top=False, input_shape=(224, 224, 3)): Loading the ResNet50 model with pre-trained ImageNet weights, excluding the top fully connected layer, for input images of size 224x224x3.

model.trainable = False: Freezes the ResNet50 layers to prevent their weights from being updated during training.

tf.keras.models.Sequential([model, GlobalMaxPool2D()]): Creates a Sequential model that includes:

  • The frozen ResNet50 model.
  • A GlobalMaxPool2D layer to convert feature maps to a single feature vector per image.
model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet', include_top=False,
                 input_shape=(224, 224, 3))
model.trainable = False
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([model, GlobalMaxPool2D()])



Model: "sequential_1"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
resnet50 (Functional) (None, 7, 7, 2048) 23587712

global_max_pooling2d_1 (Glo (None, 2048) 0

Total params: 23,587,712
Trainable params: 0
Non-trainable params: 23,587,712

Step 4: Feature Extraction Function

def extract_features_from_images(image_path, model):
    # Load the image with the target size of 224x224
    img = image.load_img(image_path, target_size=(224, 224))
    # Convert the image to a numpy array
    img_array = image.img_to_array(img)
    # Expand dimensions to match the model's input shape (batch size of 1)
    img_expand_dim = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0)
    # Preprocess the image for the ResNet50 model
    img_preprocess = preprocess_input(img_expand_dim)
    # Predict features using the model and flatten the result
    result = model.predict(img_preprocess).flatten()
    # Normalize the result vector
    norm_result = result / norm(result)
    # Return the normalized feature vector
    return norm_result
  • img = image.load_img(image_path, target_size=(224, 224)): Loads the image from the specified path and resizes it to 224×224 pixels.
  • img_array = image.img_to_array(img):Converts the loaded image to a NumPy array.
  • img_expand_dim = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0): Adds an extra dimension to the array to represent the batch size, making it suitable for model input.
  • img_preprocess = preprocess_input(img_expand_dim): Preprocesses the image array for ResNet50, scaling pixel values appropriately.
  • result = model.predict(img_preprocess).flatten(): Uses the model to predict features from the preprocessed image and flattens the resulting feature map to a 1D array.
  • norm_result = result / norm(result): Normalizes the feature vector to unit length.
  • return norm_result: Returns the normalized feature vector.

Step 5: Extract features from all images

# Extract features from all images
image_features = []
for file in filenames:
    image_features.append(extract_features_from_images(file, model))
  • Initializes an empty list image_features.
  • Iterates over each image file in filenames.
  • For each file, extracts features using extract_features_from_images(file, model).
  • Appends the extracted features to image_features.

Step 6: Save Features and Filenames

pkl.dump(image_features, open('Images_features.pkl', 'wb'))
pkl.dump(filenames, open('filenames.pkl', 'wb'))
  • pkl.dump(image_features, open(‘Images_features.pkl’, ‘wb’)): Serializes the image_features list and writes it to a file named Images_features.pkl in binary mode (‘wb’).
  • pkl.dump(filenames, open(‘filenames.pkl’, ‘wb’)): Serializes the filenames list and writes it to a file named filenames.pkl in binary mode (‘wb’).

Step 7: Load Features and Filenames

image_features = pkl.load(open('Images_features.pkl', 'rb'))
filenames = pkl.load(open('filenames.pkl', 'rb'))
  • image_features = pkl.load(open(‘Images_features.pkl’, ‘rb’)): Opens the file Images_features.pkl in read-binary mode (‘rb’) and loads the serialized image_features list into memory.
  • filenames = pkl.load(open(‘filenames.pkl’, ‘rb’)): Opens the file filenames.pkl in read-binary mode (‘rb’) and loads the serialized filenames list into memory.

Step 8: Initialize Nearest Neighbors Model

  • Sets n_neighbors to the smaller of 5 or the number of image features.
  • Initializes a Nearest Neighbors model with Euclidean distance and brute-force search.
  • Fits the model using the image_features data.
n_neighbors = min(5, len(image_features))
neighbors = NearestNeighbors(
    n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm='brute', metric='euclidean')


NearestNeighbors Initialization

Step 9: Extract Features from single input image

The code basically grabs the feature vector of the input image ‘1697.jpg’ using the extract_features_from_images function along with a pre-trained model. After that, it taps into the Nearest Neighbors model to hunt down the most similar images from a dataset by comparing their feature vectors. The neighbors.kneighbors method comes into play here, returning the distances and indices of these nearest neighbors, which helps to spot visually similar images.

# Example: Extract features from a single input image and find nearest neighbors
input_image = extract_features_from_images('1697.jpg', model)
distance, indices = neighbors.kneighbors([input_image])


1/1 [==============================] - 1s 964ms/step

Step 10:Define Recommendation Function with GUI

The “get_image_recommendations” function does a cool thing – it gives you image recommendations. First, it takes the input image and extracts its feature vector using a pre-trained model. Then, it uses a Nearest Neighbors model to find the most similar images. The function also creates a tkinter GUI window called “Image Recommendations” to show you these similar images. It reads each recommended image, resizes it, and converts it to a format that works with tkinter using OpenCV and PIL. After that, it displays the images side by side in the window, and the tkinter event loop kicks in to make the GUI show up. This function is like a superhero that combines feature extraction, finding similar images, and making it all easy to use for you.

def get_image_recommendations(image_path, model, neighbors, filenames):
    input_image = extract_features_from_images(image_path, model)
    distance, indices = neighbors.kneighbors([input_image])

    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Image Recommendations")

    for idx in indices[0]:
        recommended_image = filenames[idx]
        img = cv2.imread(recommended_image)
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        img = PILImage.fromarray(img)
        img = img.resize((200, 200), PILImage.ANTIALIAS)
        img_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)

        label = tk.Label(root, image=img_tk)
        label.image = img_tk
        label.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5)


Step 11 :Example Usage

Call the recommendation function with an example image

get_image_recommendations('1697.jpg', model, neighbors, filenames)


Output in GUI

Image Based Product Recommendation System

Recommender systems in online shopping help us deal with information overload by using both implicit and explicit user data, as well as internal system insights, to guide us towards the best product choices. Plus, these systems rely on detailed product catalogs and use images to turn potential buyers into loyal customers.

Image-based recommendation systems take this a step further by using visual similarities between items to improve product visibility, scalability, and performance. They seamlessly integrate with existing e-commerce platforms and aim to enhance the user experience and boost revenue by offering personalized recommendations and increasing business visibility.

Table of Content

  • Understanding Image-Based Recommendation Systems
    • Key Techniques in Image Recommendation Systems
  • Building Image-Based Product Recommendation Systems
    • Image-based recommendation systems
    • Step 1: Importing Libraries
    • Step 2: Load Image Data:
    • Step 3: Load and Prepare the Model
    • Step 4: Feature Extraction Function
    • Step 5: Extract features from all images
    • Step 6: Save Features and Filenames
    • Step7: Load Features and Filenames
    • Step 8: Initialize Nearest Neighbors Model
    • Step 9: Extract Features from single input image
    • Step 10:Define Recommendation Function with GUI
    • Step 11 :Example Usage
  • Applications of Image Recommendation Systems
  • Conclusion

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Image-based recommendation systems are revolutionizing e-commerce by improving engagement and boosting sales. By leveraging visual data, these systems provide personalized experiences, reduce search overload, and promote product discovery. They play a crucial role in meeting consumer demand for personalized and visually engaging experiences, offering businesses innovative growth opportunities. The widespread adoption of these technologies promises unmatched benefits, signaling a shift towards more intuitive digital interactions....