Building Of A Maven Project

Step 16: Make first build job by clicking on the “New Item” option in the sidebar and giving the name of the item and selecting “Maven Project” as a Java project.

Step 17: Under source code management enter the git repository link with “.git” as an extension as shown below:

Step 18: In the Build page, Goals and options (build) section specify as clean install

Step 19: After Building you will get the output in the console as shown in the screenshot.

Docker – Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration ( CI ) with Docker improves the productivity of software development. Docker make the applications portable and independent of the system making its environment uniform. Development of the pipelines can be improved with CI technology tools like Jenkins which automates building, testing and packing the applications. In this article, we will see how to make Continuous Integration using Jenkins and how to create an application using docker. You can practice the below implementation with any preferred language of your application. For this post, we will be making a continuous integration pipeline for a Java project.

Table of Content

  • What Is Continuous Integration?
  • How And Why You Need To Use Docker In CI?
  • Step By Step Implementation Of Continuous Integration Pipeline
  • Building Of A Maven Project
  • Testing Of A Maven Project
  • Packaging Of A Maven Project
  • Integration Of “Build-Test-Package” Job Of A Maven Project
  • Conclusion
  • Continuous Integration With Docker – FAQs

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What Is Continuous Integration?

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How And Why You Need To Use Docker In CI?

The usage of Docker for continuous integration brings out significant improvement in the lifecycle of software development. In Containerization usage of docker enables repeatable and uniform environments at different phases of continuous integration. The application code tested in one environment will function properly in other environments too maintaining the deployment’s consistency. Application management and deployment can be done effortlessly via docker containers. CI facilitates the developers to have more collaborations, speed testing, and simplifying the deployment procedures by integrating with docker. This eventually ends up in resulting more dependable and effective software workflow....

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Building Of A Maven Project

Step 16: Make first build job by clicking on the “New Item” option in the sidebar and giving the name of the item and selecting “Maven Project” as a Java project....

Testing Of A Maven Project

Step 20: Same steps to be followed as done in build phase only difference is that under goals and option we write the command “test”....

Packaging Of A Maven Project

Step 24: Same steps to be followed as done in build phase only difference is that under goals and option we write the command “package” and...

Integration Of “Build-Test-Package” Job Of A Maven Project

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In Conclusion, Software development has gone through a revolutionary shift with the combination of Continuous integration ( CI ) and Docker. Containerization technology tools like docker addressed the integration challenges ensuring consistent and portable environments. These Jenkins and Docker integration facilitated the developers with easy workable roadmap. This method encourages effective collaboration of software, minimizing the mistakes and speed up the development. Using Docker for supporting continuous integration led as a effective step for enhancing the productivity and maintaining the consistency in software development workflow....

Continuous Integration With Docker – FAQs

What Is Continuous Integration In Docker?...