Byzantine Empire vs Roman Empire

Aspect Byzantine Empire Roman Empire
Time Period Approx. 330 AD – 1453 AD 27 BC – 476 AD (Western Roman Empire)
330 AD – 1453 AD (Eastern Roman Empire)
Capital Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) Rome (Initially), Later Constantinople
(Eastern Roman Empire)
Language Greek Latin (Initially), Greek (Eastern Empire)
Religion Christianity (Eastern Orthodox) Initially pagan, later Christianity
Government System Autocracy, later feudal system Republic, later autocracy
Territories Eastern Mediterranean, Balkans, Middle East Initially encompassed much of Europe,
North Africa, and parts of Asia
Military Strength Strong navy and professional army Initially powerful, weakened over time
Fall Conquest by Ottoman Turks in 1453 Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD due
to various factors including invasions,
economic decline, and internal strife.
Cultural Legacy Preserved Greco-Roman heritage, Influential Greco-Roman culture,
contributed to medieval and Renaissance significant influence on Western
art and culture civilization

Byzantine Empire Vs Roman Empire

The Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire are two significant entities in the annals of history, each leaving an indelible mark on the course of civilization. While both empires share common origins, they diverged in various aspects, shaping distinct political, cultural, and religious identities.

Let us delve into details about the differences between the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire!

Byzantine Empire Vs Roman Empire

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