
C++23 is the next version of C++ which is going to release in December 2023. In this standard, some of the features of C++ are eliminated with the introduction of new features.

Some of the new features introduced in this standard are:

  • static operator[]: This feature is used to access the operator[] on multidimensional arrays and on static arrays which makes the accessing of array elements easier.
  • static constexpr in constexpr functions: This feature can be used to use constexpr variables within constexpr functions.
  • std::print: Now in C++23, output of std::print has been synchronized with data outputs.
  • Monadic interface for std::expected: It is similar to the monadic interface that already exists for std::optional and is now also included for std::expected.

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C++ Standards and Implementations

C++ programming language is widely used and known for its power, versatility, and performance. C++ is an extension of the C programming language created by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup. With time several C++ standards have been introduced with new features and enhancements. In this article, we will explore the major C++ standards, along with their key features to understand the evolution of C++ and the benefits provided to programmers or developers.

Nowadays C++ is popular for competitive programming because of its performance but it is also used for building robust applications which we are using in our daily life. A few of them are given below:

  • Operating Systems
  • Games
  • Embedded Systems
  • Compilers
  • Web Browsers

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What are C++ Standards and why do we need them?

C++ standards are maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the C++ committee. They define the rules and features such as syntax and behavior of the C++ programming language. Each standard, such as C++98, C++11, C++17, and so on, introduces new language features, libraries, and improvements while maintaining backward compatibility with previous versions....

Major C++ Standards Released

C++98 C++11 C++14 C++17 C++20...


C++98 is the first and original version of C++ programming language released in 1998 which is also known as C++03. This is very similar to C language with added features....


C++11 released in 2011, comes with notable features such as Lambda expressions, the auto keyword, range-based for loops, nullptr, and smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr). With the introduction of the thread library, C++11 also enhanced multithreading capabilities....


C++14 was released in 2014. The motive for releasing C++14 was to make the improvement that was left or not done in C++11 to make it a cleaner and faster language....


C++17 is released in 2017 with additional features which are not present in C++14 and also with improved features of C++14 which is constexpr. Key features of the C++17 standard are as follows:...


C++20 was released in 2020 with new features that enhance the performance of the code in terms of compilation time, reusability, and concurrency....


C++23 is the next version of C++ which is going to release in December 2023. In this standard, some of the features of C++ are eliminated with the introduction of new features....