C++ Program for Implementing Max Heap

The following program illustrates how we can implement a max heap using array in C++:

// C++ Program for Implementing Max Heap
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>

using namespace std;

// Template for MaxHeap
template <typename T>
// Class for MaxHeap
class MaxHeap {
    vector<T> array;  
    int size;
    int capacity;     

    // Constructor to initialize the heap with a given capacity
     MaxHeap(int capacity) {
        this->size = 0;
        this->capacity = capacity;
    // Function to heapify the node at index i
    void heapify(int i) {
        int largest = i;           
        int left = 2 * i + 1;      
        int right = 2 * i + 2;     
        if (left < size && array[left] > array[largest])
            largest = left;

        if (right < size && array[right] > array[largest])
            largest = right;

        if (largest != i) {
            swap(array[i], array[largest]);  

    // Function to build a max heap from a given array
    void buildHeap(const vector<T>& arr) {
        capacity = arr.size();
        size = capacity;
        array = arr;

        // Build heap (rearrange array)
        for (int i = (size - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i--) {

    // Function to insert a new value into the heap
    void insert(T value) {
        if (size == capacity) {
            // Resize the heap if necessary
            capacity *= 2;

        int i = size - 1;
        array[i] = value;

        // Fix the max heap property if it is violated
        while (i != 0 && array[(i - 1) / 2] < array[i]) {
            swap(array[i], array[(i - 1) / 2]);
            i = (i - 1) / 2;

  // Function to get the value of the root node of the max heap
    T top() {
        if (size <= 0)
        // Indicates that the heap is empty
            return -1; 

        return array[0];

    // Function to remove and return the maximum value from the heap
    T pop() {
        if (size <= 0)
            return -1; 
        if (size == 1) {
            return array[0];

        // Store the maximum value, and remove it
        T root = array[0];
        array[0] = array[size - 1];
        // Heapify the root node after deletion
        return root;

    // Function to delete a specific key from the heap
    void deleteKey(T key) {
        // Find the index of the key
        int index = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            if (array[i] == key) {
                index = i;
        // If key is not found, return
        if (index == -1) {
            cout << "Key not found" << endl;

        // If the key is found, delete it
        // If it's the last element, simply reduce the size
        if (index == size - 1) {

        // Move the last element to the index of the key to be deleted
        array[index] = array[size - 1];

        // Heapify down to maintain heap property

    // Function to print the heap
    void print() const {
        cout << "Max Heap: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            cout << array[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;

int main() {
    // Create a MaxHeap with initial capacity of 6
    MaxHeap<int> maxHeap(6);
    vector<int> arr = {2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15};

    // Build the heap from the array

    // Print the max heap

    // Insert a node into the heap
    cout << "After inserting 9: " << endl;

    // Get the maximum value from the max heap
    cout << "Top value: " << maxHeap.top() << endl;

    // Delete the root node of the max heap
    cout << "Popped value: " << maxHeap.pop() << endl;
    cout << "After popping: ";

    // Delete a specific value from the max heap
    cout << "After deleting the node 5: ";

    return 0;

Max Heap: 15 10 4 5 3 2 
After inserting 9: 
Max Heap: 15 10 9 5 3 2 4 
Top value: 15
Popped value: 15
After popping: Max Heap: 10 5 9 4 3 2 
After deleting the node 5: Max Heap: 10 4 9 2 3 

Related Articles

You can also read the following articles to improve your understanding about the heap data structure:

Max Heap in C++

A max heap is defined as a complete binary tree where every node’s value is at least as large as the values of its children. This makes it useful for implementing priority queues, where the highest priority element is always at the root. In this article, we will learn how to implement the max heap data structure in C++.

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