Calculation of Median in Continuous Series

The value of the median cannot be easily located for continuous series. In this situation, the median is located between the lower and upper limits of a class interval. A formula is used to interpolate (guess) the median in order to obtain the exact value. However, it should be kept in mind that when the median class of a series is first class, then the c.f. in the formula will be taken as zero. The steps required to determine median of a continuous series are as follows:

Step 1: Arrange the given data in either descending or ascending order.

Step 2: Determine the cumulative frequency; i.e., cf.

Step 3: Calculate the median item using the following formula:


Where, N = Total of Frequency

Step 4: Now inspect the cumulative frequencies and find out the cf which is either equal to or just greater than the value determined in the previous step.

Step 5: Now, find the class corresponding to the cumulative frequency equal to or just greater than the value determined in the third step. This class is known as the median class. 

Step 6: Now, apply the following formula for the median:



l1 = lower limit of the median class

c.f. = cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class

f = simple frequency of the median class

i = class size of the median group or class

Note: While calculating the median of a given distribution, we have to assume that every class of the distribution is uniformly distributed in the class interval.

Example 1:




Hence, the median lies in the class 15-20.

l1 = 15, f = 8, i = 5, c.f. = 12

Now apply the following formula:

Median= 16.875

Example 2:

The distribution of income among employees has been observed in a study performed within an organisation. Determine the median wage of the organisation’s employees.

  • 5 men are paid less than ₹100.
  • 15 men are paid less than ₹200.
  • 23 men are paid less than ₹300.
  • 35 men are paid less than ₹400.
  • 50 men are paid less than ₹500.


The above frequencies are the cumulative frequencies (c.f.) of the workers. Thus to calculate the median, first, we have to convert it into simple frequency and presented the data in tabular form.


Hence, the median lies in the class 300-400.

l1 = 300, f = 12, i = 100, c.f. = 23

Now apply the following formula:

Median = 316.67

Example 3:

The weekly expenditures of 100 families are listed in the following table. Calculate the weekly expenditure’s median.





Hence, the median lies in the class 1500-3000.

l1 = 1500, f = 25, i = 1500, c.f. = 30

Now apply the following formula:

Median = 2700

Calculation of Median in Continuous Series | Formula of Median

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Calculation of Median in Continuous Series

The value of the median cannot be easily located for continuous series. In this situation, the median is located between the lower and upper limits of a class interval. A formula is used to interpolate (guess) the median in order to obtain the exact value. However, it should be kept in mind that when the median class of a series is first class, then the c.f. in the formula will be taken as zero. The steps required to determine median of a continuous series are as follows:...