Calculation of Statistical Measure Texture

A texture analysis function that filters an image using standard statistical means. These statistics provide information about the local variability of the intensity values ​​of pixels in the image, thus allowing us to characterize the texture of the image.


E = entropyfilt(I)     

% output pixels contains the entropy values of pixels in input image I.

E = entropyfilt(I, node)  

% it is perform entropy filtering using the neighborhood node.

MATLAB – Texture Measures from GLCM

GLCM stands for Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix. In image processing, The GLCM function computes how often pairs of pixels with a particular value and in a particular spatial relationship occur in an image, constructs a GLCM, and extracts statistical measures from this matrix to determine the texture of an image. characterize the (The texture filter functions described in Computing Statistical Texture Measures cannot provide information about the shape, that is, the spatial relationship of pixels in an image.)

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