Carnot Cycle

The French physicist Sadi Carnot proposed the imagined Carnot cycle in 1824. It is a thermodynamic cycle. Transforming heat into work or work into heat, is the most effective cycle that is currently known to exist. The Carnot cycle consists of four processes that can be reversed:

  • Isothermal expansion: When a working substance (usually a gas) comes into thermal contact with a heated reservoir, it expands and takes heat from the reservoir with it.
  • Adiabatic expansion: The functioning substance is thermally detached and extends, taking care of business with its environmental elements.
  • Isothermal compression: The functioning substance is in warm contact with a chilly supply and packs, emitting intensity to the repository.
  • Adiabatic compression: The functioning substance is thermally secluded and packed, taking care of business based on its environmental factors.

The Carnot cycle can be addressed on a temperature-entropy graph as a closed circle. The proficiency of the Carnot cycle is determined by the situation.

η = 1−TH/TC


  • TC is the temperature of the cool supply, and 
  • TH is the temperature of the hot repository.

The Carnot cycle is an optimal cycle, and no genuine motor can accomplish its effectiveness. In any case, the Carnot cycle is a valuable hypothetical model that can be utilized to look at the proficiency of various motors.

The Carnot cycle is likewise significant in the field of refrigeration. A fridge works by retaining heat from a cold space and delivering it to a hot space. The Carnot cycle can be utilized to determine the greatest effectiveness of a cooler.

Here is a diagram of the Carnot cycle:


The four processes are labeled as 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-1. The arrows indicate the direction of heat flow and work done.

An essential idea in thermodynamics is the Carnot cycle. As a helpful theoretical model for comprehending these appliances, it sets a maximum efficiency limit for heat engines and refrigerators.

Learn more about Carnot Engine

Thermodynamic Cycles

Thermodynamic cycles are used to explain how heat engines, which convert heat into work, operate. A thermodynamic cycle is used to accomplish this. The application determines the kind of cycle that is employed in the engine. The thermodynamic cycle consists of a series of interrelated thermodynamic processes involving heat and works going in and out of the body, simultaneously changing pressure, temperature, and other changes in body state, and eventually returning to the initial state.

In this article, we will learn all about the Thermodynamics Cycles including various types of cycles such as Carnot, Rankin, Otto, Diesel, Brayton, Stirling, etc. Also, we will learn about the various processes happening during these cycles. So, let’s start our learning of Thermodynamics Cycles.

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