Case 2-Team Building at Maruti Ltd.

Maruti Ltd. places great emphasis on fostering a strong sense of teamwork among its employees as a key driver of innovation. The company firmly believes that the collective power of a team surpasses the capabilities of its individual members. To cultivate team spirit, Maruti actively encourages group activities and collaborative work environments. A prominent team-building initiative at Maruti is the implementation of Quality Circles, where workers come together to generate ideas aimed at improving efficiency and reducing defects. In 1995 alone, Maruti proudly implemented more than 21,000 small-scale ideas, resulting in significant cost savings of approximately 34 crore. These endeavours exemplify Maruti’s commitment to nurturing a cohesive and productive team culture that continually strives for excellence.

8 Essentials of an Effective Team

A team is a cohesive group of individuals who come together with diverse skills, expertise, and perspectives to collaboratively work towards common goals. These teams are formed to leverage the strengths of each member, foster effective communication and collaboration, and ultimately maximize productivity and innovation. In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of commerce, teams serve as the backbone of organisations, propelling them toward growth, adaptability, and sustained competitive advantage. Whether it’s in sales, marketing, operations, or strategic planning, the concept of teams in commerce represents the power of collective effort, shared accountability, and the pursuit of excellence.


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