Cases Related to Preamble

Berubari Case (1960)- 

In the Berubari Union Case (1960), the Supreme Court decided that the “Preamble provides the key to accessing the framers’ ideas,” but that it could not be regarded as part of the Constitution. As a result, a court of law cannot enforce it.

Kesavananda Bharti vs. Kerala State (1973)-

The learned Judge determined that the preamble of the Constitution reflects the key components of the Constitution’s basic structure, and that some of the Constitution’s important qualities include justice, freedom of expression, and equality of position and opportunity.

The Supreme Court overturned the lower court’s decision, stating that the Preamble is a component of the Constitution. It is required to include a prelude. The Preamble, a portion of the Constitution, summarises the opinions of the founding fathers. The Preamble is neither a source of legislative authority nor a bar to legislative authority. The preface is illogical..

The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1976 adds three additional terms to the Constitution’s Preamble: socialist, secular, and integrity. To date, the Preamble has only been amended once.

Questions related to the Preamble of Indian Constitution –

1) Which is the highest law of the land?

(A) Constitution of USA  

(B) Constitution of India

(C) Civil Procedure Code 

(D) Code on dual administration

Ans. B 

The highest law of the land indicates that the principles and functions of the Indian government are framed by legal sanctity.

2) Which among the following play a major role in forming constitution of India?

(A) Election Commission 

(B) Working Committee

(C) President  

(D) Constituent Assembly

Ans. D 

Constituent Assembly played major role to frame the Indian Constitution.

3) From the option given below, select the correct option on which constitution of India was framed?

(A) 26 January, 1950 

(B) 26 November, 1949

(C)  26 January,1946 

(D) 30 December, 1949

Ans. B 

(Indian Constitution was framed in November 26, !949.)

4) The Indian constitution came into force in which year?

(A)31 November,1992   

(B) 26 January,1971

(C) 15 August, 1943 

(D) 26 January, 1950

Ans. D 

5) Constitution Day of India is on ________.

(A)  26 November 

(B) 23rd June

(C) 15th December  

(D) 26th January

Ans. A

(Constitutional Day in India is celebrated on 26th November)

6) The Constitution of which country is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world?


(B) Germany

(C) United States of America 

(D) India

Ans. D

Indian Constitution is the world’s longest Constitution. Original Constitution of India had 22 Parts, 08 Schedules, 395 Articles.

7) Which country  makes constitution first?

(A) India 

(B) England

(C) USA 

(D) Sri Lanka
Ans. C  

America was the first to draught a constitution, and we later copied the idea from them.

8)  India become a Complete Sovereign Democratic Republic Country in which year?

(A) 23 January 1949 

(B) 29 November 1951

(C) 26 November 1930 

(D) 26 November 1949

Ans. D  

On the day the Constitution was adopted, India became a fully sovereign Democratic Republic.

9) What wording did the Constitution’s drafting committee use?

(A) English and Hindi 

(B) Only English

(C) English and Urdu 

(D) English, Hindi and Urdu

Ans. B 

The Indian Constitution was first drafted in English, but it was later revised in Hindi and English.

10) Democratic Socialism’s ultimate goal is.

(A) to implement socialism in a peaceful manner.

(B) achieving Socialism through both violent and nonviolent means

(C) using violence to achieve Socialism

(D) democratising socialism

Ans. D 

The ultimate goal of Democratic Socialism is to democratise socialism in India.

11) Which country from following options has an Non written constitution?

(A) Saudi Arab

(B) Vietnam

(c) France

(D) United Kingdom

Ans. D  

A nonwritten constitution is one in which there is no single document relating to the constitution.) Unwritten constitutions exist in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Israel. 

12) Sovereign Parliament is a contribution of?

(A) New Zealand

(B) South Africa

C) India

(D) Bangladesh

Ans. C 

The term “Sovereign Parliament” alludes to Parliament’s unquestioned legal authority.) Parliament’s concept is based on the English Constitution.

13) Which word was described by 42nd amendment of constitution?

(A) Socialist

(B) Three Types of Justice

C) Republic and Independency

(D) Article 101

Ans. A 

Through 42nd Amendment three words included in our Constitution that are – Socialist, secular, Integrity.

14) Where do we find the idea of democracy in our constitution?

(A) Part IX
(B) Preamble
C) Fundamental Rights
(D) Part X

Ans. B 

The Preamble mentions the democratic ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.) And India’s Preamble is based on the American Constitution.

15) Who among the following eminent personality referred preamble as the “identification card” of Indian constitution?

(A) Dada Bhai Naoroji
(B) Jay Ram Naresh
C)  N.A Palkhivala
(D) Pranab Mukherjee

Ans. C

Identification Card of Indian Constitution was referred by N.A Palkhivala to the Preamble of Indian Constitution

16) Which of the following article was added with the Preamble on the day of adoption?

(A) 44
(B) 87
(C ) 5
(D) 333

Ans. C 

The Preamble is followed by Articles 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 60, 324, 366, 367, 379, 380, 388, 391, 392, and 393.

17) Three words are adopted by 42nd amendment of constitution. Which of the following option is not among them?

(A) Socialist
(B) Democracy
© Secular
(D) Integrity

Ans. B 

These three words were inserted in Preamble – Socialist, Secularism, Integrity.

18) Which amendment is responsible for inserting “Integrity” word in the Preamble?

(A) 26th
(B) 28th
(C) 42nd
(D) 97th

Ans. C 

Through 42nd Amendment Act 1976, three words inserted in Preamble. These words are – Socialist, Secular, Integrity.

19)  Which of the following option justify that India is a secular country?

(A) People of India
(C) 10th Schedule
(D) Preamble

Ans. D

The word “secular” defends India’s secular status, and it is used in the Preamble of the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976.

20) Which type of liberty is not described in the Preamble of Indian Constitution?

(A) Liberty of Expression
(B) Liberty of Belief
(C) Liberty of Economy
(D) Liberty of thought

Ans. C 

(The Indian Constitution’s Preamble outlines five sorts of liberty: liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.)

Preamble Of Indian Constitution

The preamble is based on the American Constitution. The start or prologue of the Constitution is known as the preamble. N.A Palkhivala referred to the preamble as the Constitution’s “identity card.”

The Preamble is based on Pt. Nehru’s prepared and pushed Objectives Resolution, which was accepted by the Constitutional Assembly. The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1976 incorporated three more words: socialist, secular, and integrity.

Text of the Preamble

” We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

Justice : Social, Political, Economical

Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all; Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

 26th November, 1949, do hereby Adopt, Enact and give to ourselves this Constitution”.

1) The Preamble declares that the Constitution operates its power by the People of India.

2) India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic and republican state.

3) It listed justice, equality, liberty and brotherhood as the aims.

4) Date of adoption – 26th November 1949.

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