Causes of Extinction of Species

The important causes of extinction include:

1. Asteroid Strikes

A long time ago, a big rock from space hit Mexico and caused the dinosaurs to disappear. Many mass extinctions, like the ones called KT extinction or Permian-Triassic extinction, happened because of similar events. Astronomers are always watching for any comets or meteors that could end human civilization.

2. Climate Change

Changes in the Earth’s climate can harm land-living creatures. When the last ice age ended, lots of big animals couldn’t handle the warmer weather. They didn’t have enough food, and early humans hunted them. Now, with global warming, our modern way of life is also at risk.

3. Diseases

Big sickness outbreaks have caused epidemics, affecting lots of people and animals. In the Middle Ages, the Black Death wiped out a third of the European population.

4. Loss of Habitat

Every animal has a favorite place to live and raise babies. For example, a bird likes being on a tree branch. Because people are spreading out and building more, many forests, which are homes for lots of animals, are being destroyed. This makes it hard for animals to find space and food, reducing their populations.

5. Lack of Genetic Diversity

When there are fewer and fewer species, their gene pool (their genetic variety) gets smaller. For example, African cheetahs have less genetic diversity because they are losing their homes.

6. Better Adapted Competition

The animals that are best at surviving win over the ones that aren’t as good. For example, prehistoric mammals were better at surviving than dinosaurs. The ones that are well-adapted stick around, while the others disappear.

7. Pollution

The harmful chemicals that industries and vehicles release into the air and water is making a big change. This pollution is hurting and killing many water and land creatures.

Extinction of Species

Extinction of Species: As per the definition, Extinction is the process of evolution that leads to the disappearance of a population or species.In simpler words, Extinction is the death of all members of a species of plants, animals, or other organisms.

In this article, we will study in depth the Extinction of Species. We will take a look at a list of some of the Extinct Species and learn about the cause of Extinction as well.

Let’s explore.

Table of Content

  • What is Extinction of Species?
  • List of Some Extinct Species
  • Causes of Extinction of Species
  • Extinction Rates
  • List of Extinct Species of Animals

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