Causes of Seed Dormancy

The main causes or reasons for seed dormancy are as follows:

  • Temperature
  • Light
  • Period after ripening
  • Hard seed coat
  • Presence of high-concentrate solutes
  • Impermeability of seed coat to water
  • Impermeability of seed coat to oxygen
  • Immaturity of the seed embryo
  • Mechanically resistant seed coat
  • Germination of inhibitors

Seed Dormancy

Growth is an increase in the size or weight of a cell, organ, or organism. An increment in size can occur without growth as absorption of water by a flaccid cell. In a similar manner, during the germination of a seed, there is an actual fall of dry weight though the size and fresh weight increase. So, growth is explained as a permanent or irreversible increase in dry weight, mass, or volume of a cell, size, organ, or organism. Plant growth occurs in three Phases – formative, enlargement, and differentiation. The formative phase has also termed the phase of cell formation or cell division or meristematic phase. The enlargement phase is also known as the phase of cell elongation and the differentiation phase is also known as the phase of maturation.

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FAQs on Seed Dormancy

Question 1: What do you mean by seed dormancy?...