Challenge 19: First “nPrimes” prime numbers greater than “startAt”


function generatePrimes(nPrimes, startAt) {
    let primes = [];
    let num = startAt + 1;
    while (primes.length < nPrimes) {
        if (isPrime(num)) {
generatePrimes(5, 10);

Coding Challenge for Beginners | Coding Practice Challenges

Here’s a simple coding challenge suitable for beginners. This challenge involves writing a function in a programming language of your choice.

Table of Content

  • Challenge 1: Print Numbers from 1 to 10
  • Challenge 2: Print Odd Numbers Less Than 100
  • Challenge 3: Print Multiplication Table with 7
  • Challenge 4: Print All Multiplication Tables (1 to 10)
  • Challenge 5: Calculate Sum of Numbers from 1 to 10
  • Challenge 6: Calculate 10!
  • Challenge 7: Sum of Odd Numbers (10 to 30)
  • Challenge 8: Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion
  • Challenge 9: Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversion
  • Challenge 10: Sum of Numbers in an Array
  • Challenge 11: Average of Numbers in an Array
  • Challenge 12: Positive Numbers in an Array (Solution 1)
  • Challenge 12: Positive Numbers in an Array (Solution 2)
  • Challenge 12: Positive Numbers in an Array (Solution 3)
  • Challenge 13: Maximum number in an array
  • Challenge 14: First 10 Fibonacci numbers without recursion
  • Challenge 15: nth Fibonacci number using recursion
  • Challenge 16: Check if a number is prime
  • Challenge 17: Sum of digits of a positive integer
  • Challenge 18: First 100 prime numbers
  • Challenge 19: First “nPrimes” prime numbers greater than “startAt”
  • Challenge 20: Rotate an array to the left 1 position
  • Challenge 21: Rotate an array to the right 1 position
  • Challenge 22: Reverse an array
  • Challenge 23: Reverse a string
  • Challenge 24: Merge two arrays
  • Challenge 25: Elements in the first or second array but not both
  • Challenge 26: Elements in the first array but not in the second
  • Challenge 27: Distinct elements in an array(Solution 1)
  • Challenge 27: Distinct elements in an array(Solution 2)
  • Challenge 28: Sum of first 100 prime numbers
  • Challenge 29: Distance between the first 100 prime numbers
  • Challenge 30: Add two positive numbers of indefinite size as strings(Solution 1)
  • Challenge 30: Add two positive numbers of indefinite size as strings(Solution 2)
  • Challenge 31: Number of words in a text(Solution 1)
  • Challenge 31: Number of words in a text(Solution 2)
  • Challenge 32: Capitalize the first letter of each word in a text
  • Challenge 33: Sum of numbers in a comma-delimited string
  • Challenge 34: Words inside a text
  • Challenge 35: Convert CSV text to a bi-dimensional array
  • Challenge 36: Convert a string to an array of characters
  • Challenge 37: Convert a string to an array of ASCII codes
  • Challenge 38: Convert an array of ASCII codes to a string
  • Challenge 39: Implement the Caesar cipher
  • Challenge 40: Bubble sort algorithm
  • Challenge 41: Distance between two points defined by their coordinates
  • Challenge 42: Check Circle Intersection
  • Challenge 43: Extract Column from 2D Array
  • Challenge 44: Convert Binary String to Number
  • Challenge 45: Sum of Numbers in Jagged Array
  • Challenge 46: Find Maximum Number in Jagged Array(Solution 1)
  • Challenge 46: Find Maximum Number in Jagged Array(Solution 2)
  • Challenge 47: Deep Copy Jagged Array
  • Challenge 48: Longest Word(s) in a String
  • Challenge 49: Shuffle Array of Strings
  • Challenge 50: Generate Unique Random Numbers
  • Challenge 51: Frequency of Characters in a String
  • Challenge 52: Calculate Fibonacci(500)
  • Challenge 53: Calculate 70! with High Precision

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Challenge 2: Print Odd Numbers Less Than 100


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Challenge 8: Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion


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Challenge 12: Positive Numbers in an Array (Solution 1)


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Challenge 12: Positive Numbers in an Array (Solution 3)


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Challenge 19: First “nPrimes” prime numbers greater than “startAt”

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