Challenges and Caution

While official reports like the Deccan Riots Commission offer valuable insights into historical events, they must be approached with caution. Recognizing the limitations of these sources, historians advocate for a multi-faceted approach.

Supplementing official records with evidence from diverse sources such as newspapers, unofficial accounts, legal records, and oral histories allows for a more nuanced interpretation of past events.

Cross-referencing and contextualizing these sources enable historians to construct a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of historical narratives.

The Deccan Riots Commission| Class 12 History Notes

The Deccan Riots Commission emerged against the backdrop of a peasant revolt in the Deccan region of colonial India. Initially, the Government of Bombay attempted to downplay the significance of the uprising.

However, pressure from the Government of India, driven by memories of the 1857 rebellion, prompted Bombay to initiate an inquiry. Thus, the commission was established with the primary objective of investigating the causes behind the riots.

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