Challenges in e-Governance

  • Trust: People should trust the Government and they should be comfortable and confident of the tool and technology that they are using. But due to fraudulent transactions and other factors, the trust of the people is compromised which becomes one of the factors responsible for the limited use of e-governance.
  • Digital divide: It refers to the division between the people who have access to digital technology and the others who don’t have access to it. Economic poverty is one of the main causes of the digital divide. People are unable to afford computers.
  • Lack of Awareness: Due to the use of digital technology also contributes to the limited use of e-governance techniques. People are not aware of the scope of e-governance and depend on intermediaries for its use.
  • Cost: In a developing country like India, cost plays a major role in regulating the use of e-governance.
  • Privacy and Security: People are apprehensive about the security and privacy of their personal data. Government should ensure that no compromise should be done at that end.
  • Accessibility: Due to inadequate infrastructure facilities in rural areas and language barriers people are unable to access e-governance.
  • Low Computer Literacy: More than 90% of India’s population is digitally illiterate. In addition, the illiterate population comprises 25% to 30% which is one of the biggest challenges.
  • Resistance to Change: Due to the introduction of Information Technology, a lot of changes have taken place but still, there are various officials, citizens, and politicians who are resistant to change and have different opinions regarding e-Governance.

E-Governance: Challenges and Advantages

The e-Governance or electronic governance means utilization of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) to carry out the functions and achieve the results of the governance. Governance has become very complex and the increasing expectations from the Government are the reasons for opting for e-governance. Due to changing world and the emergence of digitalization, e-governance has taken the upfront seat. It has become necessary that government initiatives reach the people on time and efficiently through the digitalization of governance. 

Table of Content

  • Evolution of e-Governance
  • Types of Interaction in e-Governance
  • Various e-Governance Projects
  • Challenges in e-Governance
  • Advantages of e-Governance

People, Process, Technology, and Resources are the four prominent pillars of e-governance. Good governance ensures that all the people can reap the benefits of economic growth. One of the significant steps that the Government took in this regard is to educate the public regarding e-governance initiatives.

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Evolution of e-Governance

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Types of Interaction in e-Governance

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Various e-Governance Projects

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Challenges in e-Governance

Trust: People should trust the Government and they should be comfortable and confident of the tool and technology that they are using. But due to fraudulent transactions and other factors, the trust of the people is compromised which becomes one of the factors responsible for the limited use of e-governance. Digital divide: It refers to the division between the people who have access to digital technology and the others who don’t have access to it. Economic poverty is one of the main causes of the digital divide. People are unable to afford computers. Lack of Awareness: Due to the use of digital technology also contributes to the limited use of e-governance techniques. People are not aware of the scope of e-governance and depend on intermediaries for its use. Cost: In a developing country like India, cost plays a major role in regulating the use of e-governance. Privacy and Security: People are apprehensive about the security and privacy of their personal data. Government should ensure that no compromise should be done at that end. Accessibility: Due to inadequate infrastructure facilities in rural areas and language barriers people are unable to access e-governance. Low Computer Literacy: More than 90% of India’s population is digitally illiterate. In addition, the illiterate population comprises 25% to 30% which is one of the biggest challenges. Resistance to Change: Due to the introduction of Information Technology, a lot of changes have taken place but still, there are various officials, citizens, and politicians who are resistant to change and have different opinions regarding e-Governance....

Advantages of e-Governance

Faster communication through the use of phones and the internet, as it decreases the time taken for communication. Paper-based communications require heavy expenditure. It needs a lot of stationary, printers, labour, etc. The cost has been reduced with the use of the internet and phones. Moreover, time and environment are also safe due to their use. In earlier times, people faced issues due to physical constraints in reaching out to Government officials. Sometimes because of the ignorance of the officials and at other times due to long queues. But now it has become easy. e-Government is convenient as it provides services according to the schedule and venue of the people. e-governance has increased the access of information to the people. It also results in improved customer service. GDC (Government Data Centers) are the prominent component of ICT infrastructure for supporting e-governance initiatives....