Challenges in Education

  • There is a significant variance between different segments of the population.
  • Male literacy is nearly 16.6% higher than female literacy, and it is around.
  • In comparison to rural areas, the cost of living in cities is 16.1% greater.
  • In 2011, literacy rates in Kerala ranged from 94 percent to 62 percent.
  • In 2013-2014, the primary school system grew to over 8.58 lakh students, but the quality of education has deteriorated, and there is a significant dropout rate.

Quality of Population

The country’s growth rate is ultimately determined by the quality of its population. The efficiency of a country’s human resources in terms of productivity, the standard of living, and social activities are measured by population quality. The overall level of certain desirable traits in a population is referred to as population quality. The overall population of a country does not contribute equally to the size of the next generation, the distribution of births, particularly in low-fertility populations, differs significantly from that of adult members. Let’s discuss some major factors that influence population quality, 

The population’s quality is mainly affected by:

  • Literacy Rate
  • The health of a person
  • Skilled and Trained person

Quality of Population

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