Challenges of Symmetric Encryption

Although symmetric encryption is considered very much because of its speed and efficiency, it also has some chanlleges:

  • The main challenge is securely sharing the secret key because if this key is compromised the entire communication is compromised.
  • Storing the key securely is also a major challenge for this technique.
  • As the number of users is increasing day-by-day, the complexity of managing and securely sharing these secret keys will increase exponentially.

What is a Symmetric Encryption?

In this modern world where everyone is posting and consuming a lot of information from the internet, it is also an open window for attackers to get access to someone’s personal data and tamper with it or make use of it for the loss of the owner, thus it becomes quite dangerous to let the data travel over the internet in it original format. This can be done using encryption of data that converts the data into some bogus information which will not be useful for anyone who doesn’t know how we gain back the original text. In this article how we can make use of Symmetric Encryption to convert plaintext into cipher text and then decrypt this cipher text back to the plain text.

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