Change in Attitude of Muslim League

Till 1911, the Muslim League continued with the communal policy, but gradually the attitude of the League changed and the Muslim League moved away from the British rule and came closer to the Congress. The adoption of a policy hostile towards Turkey by the Government of England and the annulment of the partition of Bengal became the immediate reasons for the change in the attitude of the League.

This resulted in an agreement between Congress and the League in 1916. Under this agreement, the existence of the Muslim League as the representative body of the Muslims, communal representation, and the gravity of representation for the Muslims was accepted by Congress. But this Hindu-Muslim-unity proved to be momentary.

All India Muslim League Notes with MCQs

All India Muslim League Notes: The partition of Bengal (1905) gave rise to communal division. The Muslim League was formed on 30 December 1906 under the leadership of Nawab Aga Khan of Dhaka and Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk to protect the rights of Indian Muslims. Initially, it received a lot of support from the British, but when it adopted the idea of ​​self-government, the support from the British ended.

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