Changing the font style Using Bootstrap’s built-in font styles

Bootstrap 5 includes a number of CSS utility classes that can be used to change the font style of an element. The most common utility classes are .fst-italic and .fst-normal.

Example: In this example, we use Bootstrap 5 classes to style headings. The first heading is styled with both bold and italic text, and the text color is set to green (“text-success”). The second heading is normal and green.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
    <link href=

    <h1 class="fst-bold 
    <h1 class="fst-normal 



changing font style on element using Bootstrap

How to change font style on element using Bootstrap 5?

Bootstrap enables changing font styles by applying predefined classes like .fw-bold for bold, .fst-italic for italic, etc., directly to HTML elements. This ensures consistent and responsive typography across web applications without needing custom CSS.

There are a few Bootstrap Built-in Classes for adding the styling to the font, which are described below:

.fw-boldBold font-weight
.fw-bolderBolder font-weight
.fw-lightLight font-weight
.fw-normalNormal font-weight
.fst-italicItalicize text
.fst-normalMake text normal

We will explore both approaches with all the related classes & their implementations with the help of illustrations.

Table of Content

  • using Bootstrap’s built-in font styles
  • Using the Bootstrap’s font-weight classes

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