
What are the main functions of the judiciary?

The judiciary is responsible for dispute resolution, judicial review, and upholding the law to protect citizens’ Fundamental Rights.

What does an independent judiciary entail?

An independent judiciary means that courts operate autonomously without interference from other branches of government, allowing them to serve as a check against potential abuses of power.

What is the structure of courts in India?

India’s judicial system consists of three tiers: District Courts, High Courts (one for each state), and the Supreme Court, with an integrated framework where higher court rulings bind lower courts.

What are the different branches of the legal system in India?

The legal system encompasses Criminal Law, dealing with offenses like theft and murder, and Civil Law, addressing issues such as land disputes and divorce cases.

Do all citizens have access to the courts in India?

Yes, every Indian citizen has the right to access the courts for justice. However, challenges such as cost, paperwork, and delays often hinder access. To mitigate this, Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was introduced, allowing individuals to file cases on behalf of those whose rights are violated

Chapter 4: Judiciary| Class 8 Civics Notes

The principle of equality before the law ensures that laws are universally applicable to all individuals. When a law is breached, a set of established procedures must be adhered to. To uphold this rule of law, a judicial system is in place, comprising courts where citizens can seek recourse when laws are violated. As a branch of government, the judiciary plays a pivotal role in India’s democratic functioning. Its effectiveness stems from its independence.

For a comprehensive understanding of the judiciary, including the concept of an “independent judiciary” and the relationship between lower courts and the Supreme Court, refer to CBSE Notes Class 8 Civics Chapter 4 – Judiciary. These notes delve into various aspects of the judiciary, offering insights into its functioning and significance.

Chapter 4: Judiciary| Class 8 Civics Notes

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