New Religious Traditions

Why were the Buddhist monks known as bhikkhus?

These monks lived simply, possessing only the essential requisites for survival, such as a bowl to receive food once a day from the laity. As they lived on alms, they were known as bhikkhus.

What were the features of early temples?

Early temples featured small square chambers (garbhagriha) housing deity images, with elaborate superstructures (shikhara) gradually added to enhance their grandeur and visibility.

What are Puranas?

The Puranas, composed in simple Sanskrit verse, served as repositories of mythological lore accessible to all segments of society, fostering the dissemination of religious beliefs and practices across regions.

What does the Mahayana Budhdhist practice?

Mahayana practitioners embraced the worship of Buddha and Bodhisattva images as integral to their spiritual practice, distinguishing their tradition as the “great vehicle” (Mahayana) compared to the “lesser vehicle” (Hinayana) of early Buddhism.

What is Vaishnavism and Shaivism?

Vaishnavism centered around the worship of Vishnu and his avatars, each revered for their divine role in preserving cosmic order and defeating evil forces threatening the universe.

Shaivism, on the other hand, revered Shiva as the supreme deity, symbolized by the linga and occasionally depicted in anthropomorphic form, reflecting a diverse array of theological interpretations and practices.

Chapter 4: New Religious Traditions| Class 12 History Notes

By the first century CE, there is evidence of changes in Buddhist ideas and practices. Early Buddhist teachings had given great importance to self-effort in achieving Nibbana. Besides, the Buddha was regarded as a human being who attained enlightenment and Nibbana through his efforts. However, gradually the idea of a savior emerged. It was believed that he was the one who could ensure salvation. Simultaneously, the concept of the Bodhisatta also developed.

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Chapter 4: New Religious Traditions- FAQs

Why were the Buddhist monks known as bhikkhus?...