Characteristics of Poverty

The main characteristics of Poverty are as follows: 

1. Hunger, Starvation, and Malnutrition:

Starvation and hunger are the basic problems of the poorest household. The rate of malnutrition among the poor is alarmingly high. 

2. Poor Health: 

Poor people are generally physically weak due to ill health, disability, or serious illness. Their children have a lower chance of surviving or being healthy when they are born.

3. Limited Economic Opportunities:

Due to their illiteracy and lack of skills, they have very limited opportunities. Poor people are highly vulnerable. Therefore, they are unable to negotiate their legal wages and get exploited by employers. 

4. Debt Trap:

Debt Trap is a situation in which a debtor is not able to repay the debt incurred. Poor people usually take loans from moneylenders, who charge high rates of interest that force them into persistent debt.

5. Lack of Facilities for Electricity and Water:

Poor people lack access to electricity. They cook their food on firewood and cow dung cake. A major part of the population that is poor does not have access to safe drinking water.

6. Gender Inequality:

Extreme gender inequality is seen in how women and men participate in the workforce, classroom, and in family decision-making. Besides, on the path to motherhood, less attention is provided to poor women. 

7. Bigger Families:

The poor families are more prominent in size, which makes their economic condition worse.

Poverty : Meaning, Characteristics, and Measures

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