Characteristics of software Metrics

  1. Quantitative: Metrics must possess a quantitative nature. It means metrics can be expressed in numerical values.
  2. Understandable: Metric computation should be easily understood, and the method of computing metrics should be clearly defined.
  3. Applicability: Metrics should be applicable in the initial phases of the development of the software.
  4. Repeatable: When measured repeatedly, the metric values should be the same and consistent.
  5. Economical: The computation of metrics should be economical.
  6. Language Independent: Metrics should not depend on any programming language.

Software Measurement and Metrics

Software Measurement: A measurement is a manifestation of the size, quantity, amount, or dimension of a particular attribute of a product or process. Software measurement is a titrate impute of a characteristic of a software product or the software process.

Table of Content

  • Software Measurement Principles
  • Need for Software Measurement
  • Classification of Software Measurement
  • Software Metrics
  • Characteristics of software Metrics
  • Types of Software Metrics
  • Advantages of Software Metrics
  • Disadvantages of Software Metrics

It is an authority within software engineering. The software measurement process is defined and governed by ISO Standard. 

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Software Metrics

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Characteristics of software Metrics

Quantitative: Metrics must possess a quantitative nature. It means metrics can be expressed in numerical values. Understandable: Metric computation should be easily understood, and the method of computing metrics should be clearly defined. Applicability: Metrics should be applicable in the initial phases of the development of the software. Repeatable: When measured repeatedly, the metric values should be the same and consistent. Economical: The computation of metrics should be economical. Language Independent: Metrics should not depend on any programming language....

Types of Software MetricsTypes of Software Metrics

Product Metrics: Product metrics are used to evaluate the state of the product, tracing risks and undercover prospective problem areas. The ability of the team to control quality is evaluated. Examples include lines of code, cyclomatic complexity, code coverage, defect density, and code maintainability index. Process Metrics: Process metrics pay particular attention to enhancing the long-term process of the team or organization. These metrics are used to optimize the development process and maintenance activities of software. Examples include effort variance, schedule variance, defect injection rate, and lead time. Project Metrics: The project metrics describes the characteristic and execution of a project. Examples include effort estimation accuracy, schedule deviation, cost variance, and productivity. Usually measures- Number of software developer Staffing patterns over the life cycle of software Cost and schedule Productivity...

Advantages of Software Metrics

Reduction in cost or budget. It helps to identify the particular area for improvising. It helps to increase the product quality. Managing the workloads and teams. Reduction in overall time to produce the product,. It helps to determine the complexity of the code and to test the code with resources. It helps in providing effective planning, controlling and managing of the entire product....

Disadvantages of Software Metrics

It is expensive and difficult to implement the metrics in some cases. Performance of the entire team or an individual from the team can’t be determined. Only the performance of the product is determined. Sometimes the quality of the product is not met with the expectation. It leads to measure the unwanted data which is wastage of time. Measuring the incorrect data leads to make wrong decision making....