Characteristics of Viroid

The characteristics of viroid are cited below:

  • Viroids are intracellular obligatory parasites.
  • They are very small, even smaller than viruses.
  • They do not have any protein coat (capsid).
  • They are covalently closed single-stranded Circular RNA molecules.
  • Their size varies from 264 to 400 nucleotides.
  • Viroid RNA is unable to code for any protein due to the absence of an initiation codon.
  • They replicate with the help of the host’s polymerases.

Viroids – Structure, Characteristics, Features, and Diseases

Viroid is an infectious particle that causes plant diseases. Viroids differ from viruses in having a single-stranded RNA as genetic material and lacking a protein coat. Viroid was discovered by Theodor Otto Diener.

Viroids are transmitted mechanically from one cell to another through cellular debris. The first viroid was identified in potato tuber called potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). Most viroid causes plant diseases and about 33 viroids have been identified.

The human disease caused by a viroid is hepatitis D. After reading this article you will be able to write a short note on Viroids and understand the viroids structure, characteristics, and types of viroids.

Table of Content

  • What is Viroid?
  • Structure of Viroids
  • Viroid Diagram
  • Characteristics of Viroid
  • Types of Viroid
  • Examples of Viroid
  • Functions of Viroid
  • How do Viroids Spread?
  • Viroid Diseases
  • Symptoms of Viroid Diseases in Plants
  • Prevention of Viroid

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Conclusion on Viroid

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