China’s demographic challenges

What the demographic challenge is that China faces?

There is a dawning realization that China, like the rest of East Asia, faces a descent to some of the lowest fertility rates in the world

Why is China’s population declining?

The falling birth rate coincides with a shrinking workforce and a rapidly aging population: twin challenges for China’s government as it grapples with funding health care and pensions for elderly citizens, while aiming to maintain growth in an economy manned by fewer people of working age.

Why did China end the one-child policy?

By the turn of the new century, China’s fertility was well below the replacement level, and China began to face the mounting pressures associated with continued low fertility. To continue the one-child policy within such a demographic context was clearly no longer defensible.

What is the conclusion of the one-child policy?

The conclusion that the one-child policy had a limited impact on fertility and population growth is bolstered by the fact that there has not been a significant increase in births following its relaxation.

China’s Demographic Challenges

China’s demographic challenges: China was once known as the most populous country and now faces demographic challenges. This is important because it affects many aspects of life, like jobs, healthcare, and even the economy.

This article will give you the whole tale of the demographic catastrophe China is facing and a structured table for an organized overview of the challenges.

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