China’s Position in the Horn of Africa

China is investing across the African continent for the last decade. Along with maintaining a focus on investments and raw materials, China has described its objective, which is “to play a role in the security of the area.” 

Objectives of China’s Interpretation:

Even though China is known as its debt to trap the country but its focus this time was asserted by 3 objectives:

  • Controlling the pandemic
  • Implementing a forum on China-Africa cooperation outcomes.
  • Upholds common interest in the process of fighting hegemonic politics.

China’s Impact on the Horn of Africa:

  • China’s impacted HOA through vaccine diplomacy.
  • Beijing has a 2035 vision for China – Africa cooperation it aims to transform health, and poverty, and promote trade and investments
  • China is focusing on capacity building and developing peace and security in the country.

Significance of  China’s interest in the Region:

China is majorly focused on the natural resources, infrastructure projects, maritime, and debt related to the region.

A. Natural resources of  China:

  • China’s investment in Mombasa’s oil terminal is 400 dollars. 
  • The area is rich in oil and coal. China is interested in other resources like oil and natural gas found in the Ethiopia region.

B. Infrastructure of  China:

  • China-funded 200 $ million in African headquarter in Addis Ababa.
  • Formation of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway line to connect the landlocked country with ports in the Red sea and other railway investment is in Mombasa- Nairobi rail link.
  • China has a military hardware market in the region.

C. Maritime interest of China:

  • China’s first and only military base that is outside the mainland is in Djibouti.
  • China is also interested to develop Eritrea’s coast for linking and investing in landlocked Ethiopia.


  • Ethiopia is among the top five African recipients of Chinese investment and has a debt of $14 billion.
  • Kenya’s 67 % debt belongs to China.
  • China’s promise of $15.7 million in assistance to Eritrea.

Even though China’s image of debt trapping the country, reducing country sovereignty through projects under the belt and road initiative, Africa is welcoming China’s presence. An incident like Kenya defending China’s project in 2020 and praise from Addis Ababa for respecting Ethiopia’s sovereignty was evidence of this.

India’s Concern over China’s Presence:

  • Dominance in the Indian ocean- China is covering the Indian Ocean by a “string of pearls”. Djibouti can be another point of their military alliance under the string of pearls initiative.
  • China’s developing control over major shipping routes. The Indian ocean lanes carry 80% of the world’s oil and a third of the global cargo and China’s target is to get hold of this route.
  • China knows the future of the Indian Ocean as a major playground for world affairs so China is trying to develop goodwill among neighboring countries by investing in ports, roads, and railways.
  • The Indian Ocean region is a prominent figure in the one belt, one road initiative.


Africa’s political, economic, and social condition directly affects India. India should pay more attention to their security and economical condition. India should more actively engage in African politics and discuss the problem, prospects, and solutions. 

Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is the easternmost projection of Africa. It is also known as the Somali peninsula. It is the fourth largest peninsula in the world. It is named the horn of Africa because the group of countries included forms the shape of the horn. It is relevant and holds a central position on the global stage due to large-scale armed conflict, food crises, imperialism, neo- colonialism, African conflict, poverty famine, and migration.

Location of the Horn of Africa:

The Horn of Africa is located from the southern boundary of the red sea and 100km to the Gulf of Aden and the Indian ocean. The northeastern countries of African countries included in it are Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Djibouti.  It covers an area of 2 million square km which accommodates 115 million people. The Horn of Africa is at an equal distance from both the Equator and tropic of cancer.

Physiography of the Horn of Africa:

  • It formed due to the upliftment of mountains due to the great rift valley. 
  • Great rift valley extended from Turkey to Mozambique.
  • This rift valley marks the separation between the African and Arabian tectonic plates.
  • The horn is consist of the highlands of the Ethiopian plateau, the Ogaden deserts, and the Somalian and Eritrean coasts.

Issues related to the Horn of Africa:

  • The horn of the African region from southern Ethiopia to northern Kenya and Somalia has a drought problem. Drought is happening due to the La Nina weather phenomenon.
  • Famine and conflict Implications, 81,000 individuals in Somalia live in famine conditions.
  • Access Denial and Aid Exploitation – Bureaucratic, security, and logistical challenges slow down humanitarian aid.
  • The generation of funding for humanitarian assistance is still an obstacle. There is competition with other assistance-needing countries like Ukraine, and Afghanistan.

Significance of India in the Horn of Africa:

  • In the context of India, it is critical for India’s security because the Indian Ocean region and Africa are important for the foreign policy of India. Africa has a growing interest in India for economic, political, and security regions. 
  • India organized the first India- Africa forum summit in 2008 to recast the ties. Both countries are engaged through soft power.
  • The horn of Africa is close to the oil-producing region of the middle east.  In the middle east, 40 % of oil crosses the shipping lines of the Red sea. 
  • Djibouti is the choke point of the shipping route because a country like the US, China, and France has a military base.
  • Trade between India and the Horn of Africa has existed since ancient times. Indians during 1940-50 went to work as plantation workers in Somalia.

India’s Position in the Horn of Africa:

  • India has worked on the success of the defense cooperation with Oman and France.
  • Logistics support agreements with these countries to ensure greater regional naval access.
  • India is in talks with Japan to grant access to Indian naval bases in Djibouti.
  • India is planning to open a military base in Seychelles.  

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China’s Position in the Horn of Africa:

China is investing across the African continent for the last decade. Along with maintaining a focus on investments and raw materials, China has described its objective, which is “to play a role in the security of the area.”...