Chlorella Life Cycle

The life cycle of chlorella is explained below:

Haploid Dominance

Chlorella exhibits haploid dominance, where the haploid phase (n) is the predominant life stage.

Asexual Reproduction (Binary Fission)

  • Under favorable conditions, Chlorella reproduces rapidly through binary fission.
  • In this process, a single Chlorella cell divides into two daughter cells, each genetically identical to the parent cell.
  • This asexual reproduction allows Chlorella populations to increase exponentially, particularly in nutrient-rich environments.

Sexual Reproduction

  • Chlorella can also undergo sexual reproduction, although it’s less common and occurs in response to environmental stress or unfavorable conditions.
  • Sexual reproduction in Chlorella involves the fusion of gametes to form zygotes.
  • Gametes are produced through the process of gametogenesis, where haploid cells undergo differentiation to form specialized reproductive cells.
  • The fusion of gametes results in the formation of a diploid zygote (2n), which undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores or cells.


  • In some species of Chlorella, sexual reproduction occurs through a process called conjugation.
  • During conjugation, two Chlorella cells come into close contact and exchange genetic material through specialized structures called conjugation tubes.
  • This genetic exchange results in the formation of recombinant cells with new genetic combinations, promoting genetic diversity within the Chlorella population.

Cyst Formation

  • When faced with unfavorable conditions such as nutrient depletion or environmental stress, Chlorella may form protective cysts.
  • Cysts are dormant structures with thick, resistant walls that encase the Chlorella cell, allowing it to withstand harsh conditions.
  • Inside the cyst, the Chlorella cell remains metabolically inactive until conditions become favorable again for germination.


  • When environmental conditions improve, Chlorella cysts can germinate, initiating the resumption of metabolic activity and growth.
  • Germination involves the breaking of the cyst wall and the emergence of a new Chlorella cell capable of resuming normal cellular functions.
  • This process allows Chlorella to survive and persist in fluctuating environments, contributing to its resilience and adaptability.


Chlorella belongs to the Chlorophyta division within the green algae group, classified under the genus Chlorella. Chlorella structure includes single-celled organisms with spherical shapes featuring a characteristic green color due to chlorophyll. Its life cycle is primarily haploid, featuring both asexual reproduction through binary fission and sexual reproduction via conjugation or cyst formation. This adaptability allows Chlorella to thrive in diverse freshwater environments. In this article, we will study chlorella, its classification, morphology, and benefits in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Chlorella?
  • Classification of Chlorella
  • Morphology of Chlorella
  • Chlorella Life Cycle
  • Benefits of Chlorella
  • Side Effects of Chlorella
  • Difference Between Chlorella and Spirulina
  • Conclusion: Chlorella

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What is the Function of Chlorella?...