Choosing the Technology Stack

It is very important to choose the right technology stack when it comes to building an API. The technology stack includes programming language, framework, library, and database which will be used to develop API. Although there are several factors based on which you should choose the technology stack for building an API, some of them are scalability, performance, security, and developer productivity. So always look for technology that provides scalability options such as distributed systems, load balancing, and caching mechanisms. Also, choose such programming languages and frameworks that align with your project requirements and the expertise of your developer team.

So in this article, we will see how to build a RESTful Social Media web API whose tech stack would be:

  • Node.js – to create routes and servers.
  • MongoDB – Database on which we can perform CRUD(Create Read Update Delete ) operations
  • REST – Representational State Transfer which is scalable and works on HTTP protocol.
  • Postman – Additionally, we will use Postman for API testing. Now let’s make it for more clear understanding.

Build a Social Media REST API Using Node.js: A Complete Guide

Developers build an API(Application Programming Interface) that allows other systems to interact with their Application’s functionalities and data. In simple words, API is a set of protocols, rules, and tools that allow different software applications to access allowed functionalities, and data and interact with each other.API is a service created for user applications that request data or some functionality from servers.

In this article, we will build a RESTful Social Media API where we will create a backend structure of a general Social media Application where a User can register, and if a user is authentic then the user can create a Post. Also, they can delete their specific Post. But before directly jumping onto that we will learn why to create an API and choose the Technology stack for your API.

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Choosing the Technology Stack

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