Classes of coalitional game

Superadditive games

Superadditivity is said when the coalitions can work without any sort of interference. This includes both within the group and outside of it.

In such a case, the value of any two coalitions will be no less than the sum of their individual values and the grand coalition will be having the highest payoff.

A game G = (N, v) is said as superadditive, if for all S, T N, if

S T = , then

v(S T) v(S) + v(T)

Convex games

Convex games are too rare in practice and is a stronger condition than superadditivity.

A game G = (N, v) is said as convex, if for all S, T N,

v(S T) v(S) + v(T) – v(S T)

Coalitional Game theory

Coalitional game theory has now become the dominant group of game theory which makes sure of the group preference rather than individual actions. It focuses more on the group than an individual agent as the basic modelling unit. More precisely, we will still be modelling the individual preferences of agents, but definitely not their possible actions. Instead, we would be taking a deep interest in the coarser model of the capabilities of different groups.

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Coalitional game theory being a high-level approach describes only the structure, strategies and the payoffs of coalitions. This can be analyzed through the approach of non-cooperative game theory provided all the assumptions are made as to encompass the possible actions each player can move because of the presence of external enforcement. In cases where the resulting model will be of too high complexity, coalitional game theory can provide a simplified approach without having to make any assumption on the bargaining powers....