Classification of Flower on Basis of Gynoecium

Flowers can be differentiated on the different basis:

Depending on the arrangement of carpels, the flower is classified into three types of flowers

  1. Monocarpous: If a flower consists of a single carpel, it is called Monocarpous or unicarpellate gynoecium. Examples: Avocado, peach, etc.
  2. Apocarpous: A flower consisting of two or more free carpels that are not joined together is called an apocarpous or apocarpous flower. Examples: Strawberry, buttercup, Michelia, Lotus, and Rose.
  3. Syncarpous: A flower consisting of two or more carpels that are fused, and joined together is called a syncarpous or syncarpous flower. Examples: Tulip, China rose, Mustard, tomato, etc. 

Depending on the type of ovary present in a flower, it is classified into three types of flowers

  1. Hypogynous flower: if a flower is having ovary above the other parts of the flower (meaning superior ovary) then the flower is considered a hypogynous flower. Example: Mustard.
  2. Epigynous flower: if the ovary is placed below the parts of the flower (meaning inferior ovary) then the flower is considered an epigynous flower. Example: Coriandrum.
  3. Perigynous flower: is there over is placed at the same height as with other floral parts then the flower is called a perigynous flower. Example: Pea.

Depending on the number of chambers present in the ovary, it is classified into the following types

  1. Unilocular ovary: ovary consisting of only one chamber is called a unilocular ovary.  Example: Pea.
  2. Bilocular ovary: if the ovary is having two chambers, then the ovary is called a Bilocular ovary. Example: Petunia.
  3. Trilocular ovary: if the ovary is having three chambers, then the ovary is called a trilocular ovary. Example: Asphodelus.
  4. Multilocular ovary: if the ovary has more than three chambers, it can be called a multilocular ovary. Example: Shoe-flower.

Gynoecium – Definition, Concept, Parts, Functions

The female reproductive part of the flower is known as Gynoecium. It is the part that produces ovaries which are later on finally converted into fruit after sexual reproduction. The gynoecium is the inward whorl of the flower. The gynoecium is also referred to as female because they produce the female gametophyte.

Reproduction is a biological process in which living organisms produce offspring similar to them. Reproduction is necessary to ensure the continuity of species on earth. In sexual reproduction, there is a chance of evolution which is necessary to adapt and survive the changing environment and climate. The flower is the reproductive unit in most sexually reproducing plants. A flower consists of 4 whorls. These whorls are arranged circularly one after the other on the thalamus.

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