Client/Server Model

The client/server model is one of the most common architectures used in database management systems. It separates the DBMS into two components:

  • Database servers – These store the database and handle request processing, queries, updates, transaction management and data security.
  • Clients – These are front-end software applications or devices that request data from the database server.

This separation of duties relies extensively on network services for communication between the clients and the database server:

  • TCP/IP – Provides basic connectivity and transport between clients and database servers on local area networks or over the internet. TCP/IP is fundamental for allowing remote access to centralized databases.
  • SQL – The Structured Query Language enables clients to submit database queries, updates and commands which are processed by the database server. SQL provides a standard interface over the network.
  • ODBC/JDBC – Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) are application programming interfaces that allow more consistent database access between clients and servers across different DBMS platforms.
  • Virtual Private Networking – Encrypted VPN tunnels securely connect remote clients to database servers over the public internet. This facilitates remote work and cloud database access.

Types of Network Services

Database management systems (DBMS) extensively utilize various network services and protocols to enable communication, connectivity and data access across clients, servers, and heterogeneous systems. As database environments become more distributed and complex, the network services supporting DBMS architectures play an increasingly critical role.

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FAQ’s on Types of Network Services

1. How do network services enable DBMS functionality?...