Climate Change

What do you mean by climate change?

Climate Change is a state of impact that indicates and calculates the increasing frequency and severity of different natural disasters. Increasing temperature may increase the probability of wildfires which release so many pollutants in the climate.

“Climate change is a natural and continuous process.” Elucidate this statement.

The planet Earth has witnessed many variations in climate since the beginning. Geological records show alteration of glacial and inter-glacial periods.

The geomorphological features, especially in high altitudes and high latitudes, exhibit traces of advances and retreats of glaciers.

The sediment deposits in glacial lakes also reveal the occurrence of warm and cold periods.

The rings in the trees provide clues about wet and dry periods. Historical records describe the vagaries in climate. All these pieces of evidence indicate that climate change is a natural and continuous process.

What are the various climatic causes?

The various climatic causes are : astronomical , terrestrial and volcanic causes.

How is volcanic eruption related to climatic change?

Volcanism is considered as another cause for climate change. Volcanic eruption throws up lots of aerosols into the atmosphere.

These aerosols remain in the atmosphere for a considerable period of time reducing the sun’s radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.

After the recent Pinatoba and El Cion volcanic eruptions, the average temperature of the earth fell to some extent for some years.

What do you mean by “Ozone Hole.”

The depletion of ozone concentration in the stratosphere is called the Ozone Hole.

Climate Change| Class 11 Geography Notes

Climate Change is a state of impact that indicates and calculates the increasing frequency and severity of different natural disasters. Increasing temperature may increase the probability of wildfires which release so many pollutants in the climate.

Let us learn more about climate change in the article!

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