
Redirecting standard output to a file that already exists would overwrite the existing file content which will result in data loss. This process of over-writing existing data is called clobbering. In order to prevent overwriting, the shell provides an option called “noclobber”

How to protect Linux shell file using noclobber in bash shell?

Most Linux shells(bash, csh, ksh, tcsh) have a built-in file protection mechanism to prevent files from being overwritten accidentally. In this article, we will see how to prevent it by setting noclobber option.

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Redirecting standard output to a file that already exists would overwrite the existing file content which will result in data loss. This process of over-writing existing data is called clobbering. In order to prevent overwriting, the shell provides an option called “noclobber”...

File protection using noclobber:

When noclobber option is set, then the shell will complain if a shell redirect(>) is trying to overwrite an existing file. noclobber option is activated using the set command in bash/ksh. By default, the option is disabled....

Overriding protections:

To override noclobber behavior temporarily a special redirection operator (>|) is used,...

Truncating a log file:

Log files are kept open by the service logging the data. It is not possible to delete them as the operating system is keeping a tab on the open file handles. To truncate the log file, we redirect /dev/null to the file using the override operator....