Cloud Infrastructure Topics, Interview Questions

Infrastructure Intermediate — A VPN Tunnel is to be shared across multiple accounts (AWS), or multiple Projects (GCP) or Multiple Subscriptions (Azure). Give two different ways to accomplish this with pros and cons of each approach

Infrastructure Basic — Describe an approach that only lets authorized users from authorized VMs access resources in a subscription.

Infrastructure Basic — Launch Templates, Custom VM Images. Describe the use case and the advantages of building custom launch templates through custom ‘golden images’

Infrastructure Basic — Is a Direct Connect (or Express Route or Cloud Interconnect) traffic encrypted? Why or Why not?

Infrastructure Intermediate — Auto Scaling Groups — I need to add different instance types to my AWS Auto Scaling group. Is this possible? If so, how?

Infrastructure Advanced — How would you move a Live Production VM from one subnet to another? Without any downtime?

Infrastructure Advanced — AutoScaling Instances based on Size of SQS Queue — Suppose I want to spawn EC2 instances based on the number of messages in an SQS queue… For 10,000 messages, spawn 2 Instances, 20,000 messages, spawn 4 instances…….and so on. Once the queue is completely processed, the instances would need to be terminated. Describe how one could accomplish this.

Cloud Architect Interview Topics

Having interviewed dozens of candidates, this is a list of topics that I typically expect any cloud architect to be able to answer. The focus is on hands-on expertise – not diagrams and exam questions. To that end, most of these questions can reveal the extent of a candidate’s hands-on experience (originally published here on medium –  )

Over the last few years, I have been more involved with interviewing candidates (as well as interviewing for positions myself).

To that end, this post captures some of the topics that a true cloud architect should be able to spell out in detail.

Note — You are free to use these in your interviewing sessions, but remember, this post only contains only topic ideas i.e. questions, without the answers…

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By no means is this post meant to pick on anyone’s cloud specific skill set (each of us is always learning…). And it isn’t meant to serve as an authoritative interview questions list....