Cloud Scaling

Cloud scaling, on the other hand, is the process of increasing or decreasing the capacity of cloud infrastructure to meet changing demands. This can involve adding or removing virtual machines, increasing the size of virtual machines, or changing the configuration of a cloud network. Cloud scaling can be done manually or automatically using a tool like an auto-scaler, and is typically used to improve the performance, availability, and cost-effectiveness of a cloud-based application.


  • Adjustment of the capacity of cloud infrastructure to meet demand
  • This can involve adding or removing virtual machines, increasing the size of virtual machines, or changing cloud network configuration
  • Can be done manually or automatically using tools like auto-scaler
  • Typically used to improve performance, availability, and cost-effectiveness of cloud-based application
  • Can scale up or down as needed
  • Typically used for predictable workloads


  • Improved Performance: This can ensure that the application has enough resources to meet demand.
  • Increased Reliability: This can ensure that the application has enough resources to meet demand even during spikes.
  • Scalability: Can scale up or down resources as needed.
  • Cost Savings: Can reduce costs by only provisioning resources that are actually needed.
  • Flexibility: Can adjust resources as needed to meet changing demands.
  • Improved Efficiency: Automated scaling can be more efficient and faster than manual scaling.


  • Cost: Can be expensive if resources are scaled up frequently.
  • Complexity: Can be complex to set up and manage auto-scaling.
  • Over-Provisioning: This can result in over-provisioning if demand is overestimated.
  • Under-Provisioning: This can result in under-provisioning if demand is underestimated.
  • Predictability: Works best for predictable workloads, but may not be suitable for unpredictable workloads.
  • Resource Management: This may require manual intervention to manage resource scaling.


  • Web Applications: Can ensure that web-based applications have enough resources to meet demand
  • Big Data Processing: Can ensure that big data processing applications have enough resources to meet demand
  • Gaming: Can ensure that online gaming applications have enough resources to meet demand
  • Media Streaming: Can ensure that media streaming applications have enough resources to meet demand
  • E-Commerce: Can ensure that online shopping applications have enough resources to meet demand
  • Scientific Computing: This can ensure that scientific computing applications have enough resources to meet demand.

Cloud Bursting vs Cloud Scaling

Pre-requisite: Cloud Computing

Cloud bursting and Cloud scaling are two related but distinct concepts in cloud computing. Cloud bursting is a process of dynamically extending an on-premise data center’s capacity to a public cloud when there is a sudden and unexpected increase in demand. This allows organizations to quickly and cost-effectively handle spikes in traffic or workloads, without having to maintain additional resources on-premise all the time.

Cloud scaling, on the other hand, refers to the process of dynamically increasing or decreasing the capacity of a cloud environment as needed, in response to changes in demand or workloads. This allows organizations to optimize their cloud resources, reducing costs and ensuring that their applications and services are able to meet their performance and availability requirements. In other words, Cloud bursting is a specific use case of Cloud scaling, where the cloud environment is scaled to accommodate spikes in demand. Both Cloud bursting and Cloud scaling are important concepts for organizations looking to take advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness benefits of cloud computing.

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Cloud Bursting

Cloud bursting is a process of dynamically extending an on-premise data center’s capacity to a public cloud when there is a sudden and unexpected increase in demand. This allows organizations to quickly and cost-effectively handle spikes in traffic or workloads, without having to maintain additional resources on-premise all the time. Cloud bursting is accomplished through the use of cloud bursting software, which integrates with an organization’s existing IT infrastructure and provides the necessary connections and configurations to extend capacity to the cloud. In a cloud-bursting scenario, the on-premise data center serves as the primary source of computing resources, with the public cloud serving as a backup or overflow resource....

Cloud Scaling

Cloud scaling, on the other hand, is the process of increasing or decreasing the capacity of cloud infrastructure to meet changing demands. This can involve adding or removing virtual machines, increasing the size of virtual machines, or changing the configuration of a cloud network. Cloud scaling can be done manually or automatically using a tool like an auto-scaler, and is typically used to improve the performance, availability, and cost-effectiveness of a cloud-based application....

Difference between Cloud Bursting and Cloud Scaling

Factor  Cloud Bursting Cloud scaling Resource allocation Cloud bursting involves allocating resources from a public cloud to a private cloud. Cloud scaling involves adjusting the capacity of existing cloud infrastructure. Cost Cloud bursting can be expensive if public cloud resources are used frequently. Cloud scaling can be expensive if resources are scaled up frequently. Latency Cloud bursting can result in increased latency if the public cloud is far away from a private cloud. Cloud scaling does not typically result in increased latency. Security Cloud bursting can raise security concerns when transferring data between public and private clouds. Cloud scaling typically does not raise security concerns. Complexity Cloud bursting can be complex to set up and manage. Cloud scaling can also be complex, especially if automated scaling is used. Interoperability Cloud bursting requires interoperability between public and private clouds. Cloud scaling does not typically require interoperability between different cloud providers. Predictability Cloud bursting is well-suited for unpredictable workloads. Cloud scaling works best for predictable workloads. Over-provisioning Cloud bursting does not typically result in over-provisioning. Cloud scaling can result in over-provisioning if demand is overestimated. Under-provisioning Cloud bursting does not typically result in under-provisioning. Cloud scaling can result in under-provisioning if demand is underestimated. Resource management Cloud bursting may require manual intervention to manage resource allocation between public and private clouds. Cloud scaling may require manual intervention to manage resource scaling....


Cloud bursting and cloud scaling are important strategies for managing computing resources in the cloud. Cloud bursting is best suited for handling unpredictable spikes in demand, while cloud scaling is best for more predictable workloads. Each strategy has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of which to use will depend on the specific needs of the application and the organization. However, both can provide increased performance, reliability, scalability, and flexibility. It is important to carefully consider the costs, security, and complexity of each approach when making a decision. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of the organization and the application, as well as the resources available to implement the chosen strategy....