Colombia – 2,132 Cubic Kilometre

Colombia possesses abundant freshwater sources, including rivers, underground water reservoirs, and reservoirs created by dams. The country receives an average annual rainfall of 3,000 mm, with 61% of it directly replenishing the water sources. Colombia also boasts 90 small reservoirs holding a combined capacity of 3.4 km3, along with 26 larger ones with a total capacity of 9.1 km3. The Amazonas basin contributes 35%, the Orinoco basin 28%, the Magdalena-Cauca basin 14%, the Pacific region 14%, and the Caribbean region 8% to the country’s water resources.

Total Renewable Water Resources Approximately 2,132 cubic kilometers
Per Capita Freshwater Availability Approximately 45,000 cubic meters
Surface Water Resources Abundant, with numerous rivers and lakes
Groundwater Resources Significant, but not as heavily relied upon as surface water
Major Rivers Magdalena River, Cauca River, Amazon tributaries
Largest Reservoirs Guavio, Chivor, Prado
Water Usage Agriculture: 60%, Industrial: 22%, Domestic: 18%

Top 10 Countries with Freshwater Resources

Top 10 Countries with Freshwater Resources: Brazil possesses the greatest volume of renewable freshwater reserves globally, comprising approximately 12% of the world’s freshwater resources. This abundance is primarily due to the Amazon region, which holds 70% of the country’s total freshwater. Following Brazil, Russia boasts the second-largest freshwater reserve, constituting roughly one-fifth of the global freshwater supply. The United States ranks third in terms of freshwater reserves, with Canada following closely behind in fourth place.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Top 10 Countries with Freshwater Resources in detail.

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Brazil – 8,233 Cubic Kilometre

Brazil possesses the largest replenishable freshwater reserves globally, accounting for 12% of the world’s total freshwater reservoirs. This comprises 70% of the global water volume within the Amazon River and 53% of South America’s water resources. Additionally, Brazil has approximately 8,647 billion cubic meters of replenishable water, translating to roughly 41,000 cubic meters per person. Nonetheless, water distribution across Brazil is uneven. For instance, São Paulo state only holds 1.6% of the country’s water, whereas 70% is situated in the Amazon River....

Russia – 4,508 Cubic Kilometre

Russia possesses one-fifth of the world’s reserves of fresh water, which includes Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake globally. However, the distribution of water is uneven. The central and southern regions of European Russia, where 80% of the country’s population and industry are concentrated, have access to only 8% of the nation’s water resources. Most of Russia’s freshwater reserves are locked in the frozen ground of the northern European part and western Siberia, throughout central and eastern Siberia, and nearly all of the far east region. Glaciers on Arctic islands, the Ural mountains, and the southern Siberian mountains also hold freshwater resources. Russia boasts over 120,000 rivers spanning at least ten kilometers each, totaling a length of 2.3 million kilometers....

United States – 3,069 Cubic Kilometre

The United States ranks third globally in terms of its abundant freshwater reserves. However, underground water stores are diminishing rapidly due to a mix of factors such as population growth, increased reliance on groundwater, and climate change. Freshwater sources serve multiple functions, including supplying drinking water, supporting recreational activities, sustaining fish populations, facilitating agriculture, and fueling industrial operations. The major lakes include Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Together, they contain roughly 90% of the freshwater within the United States and about 20% of the world’s total freshwater reservoir. Approximately forty million individuals in the United States and Canada rely on this network for access to clean drinking water....

Canada – 2,902 Cubic Kilometre

Canada possesses more than 20% of the world’s surface freshwater, along with 7% of the world’s replenishable water flow. Its freshwater reservoirs consist of rivers, lakes, groundwater, ice, and snow. Canada boasts over 31,000 lakes larger than three square kilometers, notably including Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, and Lake Erie. The country’s average yearly water output is estimated at 3,472 billion cubic meters, almost matching the volume of water in Lake Huron. Moreover, Canada tops the list for the most renewable freshwater available per person each year, with 109,837 cubic meters per person, trailing only Iceland among developed nations....

China – 2,840 Cubic Kilometre

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Colombia – 2,132 Cubic Kilometre

Colombia possesses abundant freshwater sources, including rivers, underground water reservoirs, and reservoirs created by dams. The country receives an average annual rainfall of 3,000 mm, with 61% of it directly replenishing the water sources. Colombia also boasts 90 small reservoirs holding a combined capacity of 3.4 km3, along with 26 larger ones with a total capacity of 9.1 km3. The Amazonas basin contributes 35%, the Orinoco basin 28%, the Magdalena-Cauca basin 14%, the Pacific region 14%, and the Caribbean region 8% to the country’s water resources....

European Union – 2,057 Cubic Kilometre

Croatia boasts the highest replenishable freshwater reserves per person in the European Union, averaging 30,000 cubic meters per individual over the long run. Groundwater holds nearly one-third of the world’s total fresh water resources and in the EU, it provides 65% of drinking water and 25% of water for agricultural irrigation. Pollution of groundwater poses a significant danger to this vital resource....

Indonesia – 2,019 Cubic Kilometre

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Peru – 1,913 Cubic Kilometre

Peru possesses 159 river basins, contributing to 4.7% of the world’s yearly renewable water sources. The Amazon Hydrographic Region holds 97% of the nation’s freshwater, accommodating 31% of its population. Nonetheless, water distribution in Peru is uneven, with the coastal zone accessing less than 2% of the country’s fresh water reserves. External water sources enter Peru via tributaries of the Amazon, within the Atlantic river basin, providing 125 billion cubic meters annually. Key rivers include Napo, Tigre, Pastaza, Santiago, Morona, Cenepa, and Chinchipe. According to ANA, the coastal area’s total groundwater availability is estimated to be between 35 and 40 cubic kilometers....

India – 1,911 Cubic Kilometre

India is a country blessed with ample water reserves, accounting for 4% of the world’s water resources. However, India is also susceptible to water-related crises such as floods, droughts, and cyclones. Surface water, underground river flow, groundwater, and frozen water are all natural reservoirs of freshwater. Treated wastewater (reclaimed water) and desalinated seawater serve as examples of artificial freshwater sources. This article will delve into our nation’s water assets for the UPSC Examinations. Groundwater stands as the most abundant natural freshwater resource, with India boasting an annual utilizable groundwater resource of 433 bcm. Alluvial aquifers, spanning one-third of India’s landmass, hold half of the country’s renewable groundwater resources....

FAQs – Top 10 Countries with Freshwater Resources

Which country has the most fresh water resources?...