COLUMNS function

The COLUMNS capability returns the quantity of sections in a cluster. The language structure is =COLUMNS(array), where ‘cluster’ is the section range. For instance:


It gives us 1. For example, the exhibit is 1 section wide. So all we’re truly doing is working out the segment number we need utilizing the COLUMNS capability.

Note: $B4:B4 could simply been plain B:B like this =COLUMNS($B:B), as it doesn’t exactly make any difference what the column reference is.

Excel VLOOKUP with Dynamic Column Reference

Suppose anytime you work with colossal tables of data and you want to implant a VLOOKUP function that dynamically updates to the accompanying portion as you copy it across. In that case, the VLOOKUP with the COLUMNS capacity is what you truly care about. That is; the col_index_num a piece of the VLOOKUP capacity intensely revives as you copy it across your worksheet. Before learning VLOOKUP with Dynamic Column Reference, let’s first learn what is VLOOKUP function,

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COLUMNS function

The COLUMNS capability returns the quantity of sections in a cluster. The language structure is =COLUMNS(array), where ‘cluster’ is the section range. For instance:...

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