Combining Commits Using git reset and git commit --amend

This method involves resetting to a previous state and creating a new commit.

git reset --soft <base-commit>
git commit --amend

Example: To combine the last three commits into one:

git reset --soft HEAD~3
git commit --amend

How to Merge Commits in Git?

Merging commits in Git is a crucial part of version control, especially when working on complex projects with multiple contributors. Combining commits can help streamline the commit history, making it cleaner and easier to understand. In this article, we’ll explore different methods to merge commits in Git effectively.

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Merging commits in Git is a vital skill for maintaining a clean and manageable project history. Whether you’re squashing commits, using interactive rebase, or performing a fast-forward merge, understanding these techniques will help you keep your repository organized and efficient. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently manage your commit history and improve your workflow....