Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Graph

Question 1: What is a graph?

Answer: A graph is a data structure consisting of a set of vertices (nodes) and a set of edges that connect pairs of vertices. Graphs are used to represent relationships between objects, such as social networks, road networks, and computer networks.

Question 2: Explain common graph representations.


  • Adjacency matrix: A 2D array where rows and columns represent nodes, and values indicate the existence of an edge between them. Efficient for space usage, but can be slow for sparse graphs.
  • Adjacency list: An array of linked lists or other data structures, where each list stores nodes connected to a specific node. Efficient for sparse graphs and adjacency queries, but may require more space.

Question 3: Differentiate between directed and undirected graphs.


Question 4: Describe common graph types.


  • Simple graphs: Undirected, no loops or multiple edges between nodes.
  • Complete graphs: Every node is connected to every other node.
  • Trees: No cycles, a single root node connects to child nodes that don’t form cycles.
  • Bipartite graphs: Can be divided into two disjoint sets where only nodes in different sets connect.

Question 5: Discuss time and space complexity of basic graph operations.


  • Traversal (DFS, BFS): O(V + E) for both time and space, where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges.
  • Insertion: O(1) for constant-time operations in both adjacency list and matrix, although insertion into sparse matrices requiring reallocation might have amortized cost.
  • Deletion: O(degree of the node) for adjacency lists, O(V^2) for adjacency matrices due to potential row/column shifts.

Question 6: Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm and its applications.

Answer: This algorithm finds the shortest path between two nodes in a weighted graph. It is used in route planning, network optimization, and other problems involving finding minimum-cost paths.

Question 7: Compare DFS and BFS algorithms: strengths, weaknesses, and use cases.


  • DFS: Explores deeply before exploring breadth-wise, efficient for finding connected components, good for detecting cycles.
  • BFS: Explores breadth-wise, efficient for finding shortest paths in unweighted graphs, useful for level-order traversals.

Question 8: Describe topological sorting: algorithm and applications.


  • Topological sorting: Orders nodes such that edges always point from earlier nodes to later ones, required for tasks with dependencies.
  • Application: Used in job scheduling, software dependency management, and circuit design.

Question 9: Explain minimum spanning trees: algorithms and their significance.


  • Minimum spanning trees: Finds a subset of edges that connects all nodes with minimum total weight while avoiding cycles.
  • Significance: Used in network communication, clustering.

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Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions

In the world of tech interviews, knowing about data structures is super important for candidate aiming for jobs in computer science. Being good at data structures shows you can solve problems well and make programs run faster. This article is packed with top interview questions and answers about data structures. It’s here to help you get ready for tough technical interviews.

Table of Content

  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Array
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Linked List
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Stack
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Queue
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Heap Data Structure
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Hash Data Structure
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Tree Data Structures
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Graph

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