Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Queue

Question 1: What is a Queue?

Answer: A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where elements are added at the rear (enqueue) and removed from the front (dequeue).

Question 2: What are the different types of Queues?


Question 3: How is a Queue implemented in an array?

Answer: An array can be used to implement a simple queue by maintaining two pointers: front and rear. Front points to the first element, and rear points to the next available position.

Question 4: How is a Queue implemented in a linked list?

Answer: A linked list can be used to implement a queue by creating a node for each element and maintaining a head and tail pointer. Enqueueing adds a node to the tail, and dequeueing removes a node from the head.

Question 5: What is the time complexity of enqueue and dequeue operations in a Queue?


  • Enqueue: O(1)
  • Dequeue: O(1) for simple and circular queues, O(n) for priority queues

Question 6: What is the difference between a Queue and a Stack?

Answer: A queue follows FIFO, while a stack follows Last-In-First-Out (LIFO).

Question 7: What are the applications of Queues?


  • Task scheduling
  • Message passing
  • Simulation of real-world scenarios

Question 8: How do you handle overflow and underflow conditions in a Queue?


  • Overflow: When the queue is full, throw an exception or return an error code.
  • Underflow: When the queue is empty, throw an exception or return a null value.

Question 9: What is a circular queue?

Answer: A circular queue is a variation of a simple queue where the rear pointer wraps around to the beginning of the array after reaching the end.

Question 10: What is a priority queue?

Answer: A priority queue is a queue where elements are assigned priorities and are dequeued based on their priorities.

Question 11: How is a priority queue implemented?

Answer: Priority queues can be implemented using a binary heap or a self-balancing binary search tree.

Question 12: What is a double-ended queue (Deque)?

Answer: A deque is a queue that allows insertions and deletions from both ends.

Question 13: How is a deque implemented?

Answer: A deque can be implemented using two stacks or a circular buffer.

Question 14: What are the advantages of using a Queue?


  • Simple and efficient FIFO implementation
  • Easy to enqueue and dequeue elements
  • Supports multiple producers and consumers

Question 15: What are the disadvantages of using a Queue?


  • Limited access to elements (only from the front or rear)
  • Can be inefficient if elements need to be accessed in a non-sequential order

Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions

In the world of tech interviews, knowing about data structures is super important for candidate aiming for jobs in computer science. Being good at data structures shows you can solve problems well and make programs run faster. This article is packed with top interview questions and answers about data structures. It’s here to help you get ready for tough technical interviews.

Table of Content

  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Array
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Linked List
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Stack
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Queue
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Heap Data Structure
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Hash Data Structure
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Tree Data Structures
  • Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions on Graph

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