Communication between the Components

In the Strategy Design Pattern, communication between the components occurs in a structured and decoupled manner. Here’s how the components interact with each other:

  • Client to Context:
    • The Client, which knows the requirements of the task, interacts with the Context to initiate the task execution.
    • The Client selects an appropriate strategy based on the task requirements and provides it to the Context.
    • The Client may configure the selected strategy before passing it to the Context if necessary.
  • Context to Strategy:
    • The Context holds a reference to the selected strategy and delegates the task to it.
    • The Context invokes a method on the strategy object, triggering the execution of the specific algorithm or behavior encapsulated within the strategy.
  • Strategy to Context:
    • Once the strategy completes its execution, it may return a result or perform any necessary actions.
    • The strategy communicates the result or any relevant information back to the Context, which may further process or utilize the result as needed.
  • Strategy Interface as Contract:
    • The Strategy Interface serves as a contract that defines a set of methods that all concrete strategies must implement.
    • The Context communicates with strategies through the common interface, promoting interchangeability and decoupling.
  • Decoupled Communication:
    • Communication between the components is decoupled, meaning that the Context does not need to know the specific details of how each strategy implements the task.
    • Strategies can be swapped or replaced without impacting the client or other strategies, as long as they adhere to the common interface.

Overall, communication in the Strategy Design Pattern involves the Context class invoking a method on the selected strategy object, which triggers the execution of a specific algorithm or behavior to perform a task. This separation of task execution from the selection and configuration of the strategy promotes flexibility, modularity, and code reusability within the software system.

Lets understand the components and communication using the Real-World example:

Strategy Design Pattern

The Strategy Design Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable, allowing clients to switch algorithms dynamically without altering the code structure.

Important Topics for the Strategy Design Pattern

  • What is the Strategy Design Pattern?
  • Characteristics of the Strategy Design Pattern?
  • Components of the Strategy Design Pattern
  • Communication between the Components
  • Real-World Analogy of Strategy Design Pattern
  • Strategy Design Pattern Example
  • When to use the Strategy Design Pattern?
  • When not to use the Strategy Design Pattern?
  • Advantages of the Strategy Design Pattern
  • Disadvantages of the Strategy Design Pattern

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