Comparing Numbers on a Number Line

Steps to compare numbers on a number line are:

Step 1: Draw a number line with positive and negative numbers, as well as zero.

Step 2: Locate the numbers you want to compare.

Step 3: Look at the positions of the numbers relative to each other on the line.

  • The number to the right is greater.
  • The number to the left is smaller.
  • If both numbers are at the same position, they are equal.

Example: Compare the numbers 3 and 6 on a number line.


<–Diagram of number line with 3 and 6 marked–>

Since 3 is to the left of 6 on the number line, we can say that 3 is less than 6.

Comparing Numbers

Comparing numbers is a fundamental concept in mathematics where we identify whether one number is equal to, smaller than, or greater than another number. This process involves comparing the values of the numbers and using specific symbols to denote these relationships.

In this article, we will discuss how to compare numbers, whether they are rational or decimal. We will also learn about various symbols that show the relationships between numbers, such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and less than or equal to.

Table of Content

  • What is Comparing Numbers?
    • Symbols for Comparing Numbers
  • Comparing Numbers on a Number Line
  • How to Compare Numbers
    • Rule 1: Number of Digits
    • Rule 2: Leftmost Digit
  • Examples of Comparing numbers
    • Comparing Rational Numbers
    • Comparing Integers
    • Comparing Whole Numbers
    • Comparing Fractions
    • Comparing Decimals
  • FAQs on Comparing Numbers

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