Comparison Between Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar

Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar are popular frameworks used for application development, let’s look at the differences between the two and which one is better under which circumstances.

1. Throughput: Apache Kafka is based on the distributed log for commits and uses a partitioned log for designing where the messages are stored in the form of topics and it is also distributed in the form of clusters but in pulsar, the topics and partitions are served as a separate type of entities which separates the storage and the computation layers.

2. Storage Architecture: Both the tools are used as distributed messaging systems but have some different storage architecture, kafka is based on the model of commit log in which messages are stored in topics but in pulsar these messages are served in the form of partitions and topics which means that pulsar has separate entity.

3. Latency: When we compare the latency between these two services then we can say that Apache Pulsar normally offers lesser latency as compared to Apache Kafka, this is because it has an architecture that computes and stores data separately.

4. Components: We can say that Apache Pulsar and Apache Kafka both contain similar types of components such as brokers, producers, and partitions but the Pulsar also has additional components such as bookies for storage, etc.

5. Message Consumption Model: Apache Kafka uses a traditional pull-based model for the consumption of the message, but in Pulsar, a more advanced model is used which is a push-based model and in this messages are actively pushed from the brokers to the consumers.

Apache Kafka vs Apache Pulsar: Top Differences

Many people have heard about Apache Kafka as well as Apache Pulsar, they both seem like they are the same but once we try to understand the core concepts of both of these software and take a look at their features then we understand that there are many differences between this two software so let’s take a look at the difference between Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar to understand this.

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Difference Between Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar

Apache Kafka Apache Pulsar It works on the publish-subscribe messaging system. It works on both the publish-subscribe and queueing messaging systems. Apache Kafka supports log-structured storage with retention policies. Apache Pulsar also supports log-structured storage with retention policies. Apache Kakfa offers very limited multi-tenancy support. Apache Pulsar offers native multi-tenancy support. Apache Kafka is configurable, but not as configurable as Apache Pulsar. Apache pulsar offers highly configurable message TTL settings. Apache Kafka partitions the messages into topics. Apache pulsar partitions topics into namespaces, which can contain topics. Apache Kafka can be complex, and it typically requires manual configuration. Apache pulsar is good as it supports native support for automatic horizontal scaling. Apache Kafka works on Apache Kafka Protocol. Apache Pulsar works on Pulsar Protocol, and Kafka Protocol (compatibility layer). It has built in support for schema registery. It has a built-in schema registry to support for schema evolution. It has good client library support for various programming languages. Apache Pulsar also has similar rich client library support....


While Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar have many similar basic components, there are still some major differences in their complexity, flexibility, As, and working. As we discussed in the differences Apache Pulsar is good because it supports natively automatic horizontal scaling whereas Apache Kafka requires manual configuration at some point. Differentiating between Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar can help us to understand which software we should choose for building our software projects....