Components of IS-LM Model

The IS-LM model includes components such as monetary and fiscal policy, liquidity preference, and the balance between investment and saving:

  • Monetary Policy: This involves the central bank’s management of the money supply and interest rates to achieve macroeconomic goals. It plays a pivotal role in influencing economic stability and controlling inflation.
  • Fiscal Policy: This encompasses government decisions on spending and taxation, directly impacting aggregate demand. It serves as a potent tool for policymakers to navigate economic conditions and stimulate growth.
  • Liquidity Preference: Reflects individuals’ inclination to hold cash rather than invest it. This psychological aspect influences economic decisions and plays a role in shaping monetary policy.
  • Investment-Saving Balance: This represents the intricate relationship between savings and investment, a critical factor in understanding the impact of economic policies on investment decisions and overall economic growth.

IS-LM Model : Meaning, Components, Working and Criticism

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