Components of Reproductive Health

Sexual Health

  • Contraception is not only important for preventing unwanted pregnancies, but it also protects against sexually transmitted infections.
  • STIs are major risk factors for both men’s and women’s reproductive health. While HIV is much more difficult to treat, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are easily preventable and treatable.

Family planning

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines family planning as “individuals’ and couples’ ability to anticipate and achieve their desired number of children, as well as the spacing and timing of their births.”
  • It is accomplished through the use of contraception and the treatment of involuntary infertility.”
  • Pregnancy and fertility are two of the most common aspects of family planning. Successful pregnancy between the ages of 25 and 34 has recently become a major concern.

Maternal health

  • Women should have access to medical care throughout their pregnancy, including the prenatal and postnatal stages.
  • Aside from these major components, the menstrual cycle, healthy relationships, as well as choice and safety, are critical pillars of reproductive health.

Reaching The Age Of Adolescence – Reproductive Health

Adolescence, derived from the Latin adolescere, which means “to grow up,” is a stage of physical and psychological human development that generally occurs between puberty and legal adulthood (age of majority). Adolescence is most closely associated with the adolescent years, though its physical, psychological, and cultural manifestations can begin earlier and end later. Adolescence is the period in a child’s life when he or she reaches reproductive maturity. A number of changes occur in the body to indicate this. Puberty is the process by which these changes occur. It starts around the age of 10 and lasts until the age of 19. The teenage years are the years of adolescence.

Adolescence can be divided into three stages: early adolescence (generally ages eleven to fourteen), middle adolescence (ages fifteen to seventeen), and late adolescence (ages eighteen to twenty-one). These years include seven key intellectual, psychological, and social developmental tasks in addition to physiological growth. The primary goal of these tasks is to help students develop their own identities and prepare for adulthood.

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Components of Reproductive Health

Sexual Health...

Steps to Increase Citizen Awareness

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FAQs on Reproductive Health

Question 1: What are the most common reproductive health issues?...