Compute element-wise with logical NOT

torch.logical_not() – This method is used to compute the element-wise logical NOT of the given input tensor. This method also treated the non-zero values as True and zero values as False.  The following syntax is used to compute logical NOT.

Syntax – torch.logical_not(input)

Parameter – 

  • input – This is our input tensor

Return –This method returns a tensor with values we get after computing the logical NOT.

The following program is to understand how to compute element-wise logical NOT of tensor.


# import required library
import torch
# create two tensors
tens_1 = torch.tensor([11, 0])
# display the tensors
print("\n Input Tensor 1: \n", tens_1)
# compute the logical NOT
tens = torch.logical_not(tens_1)
# display result
print("\n After Compute Logical NOT: \n", tens)



Compute element-wise logical AND, OR and NOT of tensors in PyTorch

In this article, we are going to see how to compute element-wise logical AND, OR, and NOT of given tensors in PyTorch. We can compute this by using the torch.logical_and(), torch.logical_or(), and torch.logical_not() methods. Let’s discuss all of them one by one.

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Compute element-wise with logical NOT
