
The computer is a device that makes our work easy. The computer is a device that helps us to complete our tasks easily and speedily. Computer doesn’t have a brain like human beings. We have to give them instructions on what to do when a particular situation arises. We have to tell them everything from what to expect for data(what type of data), how to process it(how to perform calculations) to where to store the data. We humans understand language that is composed of words which further is composed of letters. But, the computers don’t understand our language nor the words like “hello, good morning, discipline, etc”. They only understand binary language whose vocabulary contains only two letters or states or symbols i.e. 0 and 1, True and False, On and Off. To maintain the state transistors are used.

  • Transistors are tiny devices that are used to store 2 values 1 and 0 or on and off.
  • If the transistor is on we say that it has a value of 1, and if it is off the value is 0.

For example, a memory chip contains hundreds of millions or even billions of transistors, each of which can be switched on or off individually. As a transistor can store 2 distinct values, we can have millions of different values stored on a memory chip consisting entirely of 0’s and 1s. But how does a transistor get its value? When a very little amount of electric current passes through the transistor it maintains the state of 1 and when there is no electric current then the transistor has the state of 0. 

Then how it’s all connected to the computer? 

These 0’s and 1’s form the building block of a computer. With the combinations of 0 and 1, we create a whole new language For example, 0 can be written as 0,

1 as 1
2 as 10
3 as 11
4 as 100
5 as 101
a as 01100001
A as 01000001
s as 01110011
U as 01010101

Hello as,

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 

Hello World! as,

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 
00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001

And so on… So now the question arises how can a human remember this code?

It seems impossible!

Well, we humans can do everything that we desire and this code can be remembered very easily but we don’t have to remember. We just have to use our language and the software (also built by humans) converts our normal letters into binary language.

What is Computer

A computer is an electronic device that can process and store information. It can perform calculations, manipulate data, and execute instructions to accomplish specific tasks. The basic components of a computer include the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage (hard drive or solid-state drive), input devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.), output devices (monitor, printer, etc.), and various peripheral devices (such as USB drives or external hard drives).

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The computer is a device that makes our work easy. The computer is a device that helps us to complete our tasks easily and speedily. Computer doesn’t have a brain like human beings. We have to give them instructions on what to do when a particular situation arises. We have to tell them everything from what to expect for data(what type of data), how to process it(how to perform calculations) to where to store the data. We humans understand language that is composed of words which further is composed of letters. But, the computers don’t understand our language nor the words like “hello, good morning, discipline, etc”. They only understand binary language whose vocabulary contains only two letters or states or symbols i.e. 0 and 1, True and False, On and Off. To maintain the state transistors are used....

What is software?

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Types of simple understanding of Computers

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Features of a computer include

Processor: The processor is the brain of the computer, and it carries out all the instructions and calculations required by the system. Memory: The memory or RAM (Random Access Memory) stores data temporarily for the processor to access quickly. Storage: Storage devices like hard disks, solid-state drives, or external drives provide long-term storage for data and files. Input devices: Input devices like keyboards, mice, scanners, and cameras enable the user to provide data and instructions to the computer. Output devices: Output devices like monitors, printers, and speakers display the results of the computer’s processing. Operating System: The operating system manages the computer’s resources, controls the hardware, and runs application programs. Networking: Networking capabilities allow computers to communicate and share resources with other computers and devices. Software: Software is the set of instructions that tell the computer what to do, and it can range from simple applications to complex programs. Graphics and Sound: Graphics and sound capabilities enable the computer to display and manipulate images and play sounds and videos. Connectivity: Connectivity features like USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet enable the computer to connect to other devices and the internet....

Advantages of computers

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Disadvantages of computers

Dependence on technology: Over-reliance on computers can lead to problems if they break down or malfunction, leading to loss of productivity and data. Security risks: Computers can be vulnerable to viruses, malware, and hacking, leading to data breaches and other security risks. Social isolation: The overuse of computers can lead to social isolation and reduced face-to-face interaction, leading to social and emotional problems. Environmental impact: The production and disposal of computers can have a negative impact on the environment due to the use of resources and the creation of electronic waste. Job displacement: Automation and the use of computers can lead to job displacement in certain industries, requiring workers to adapt to new skill sets or find new employment....

Frequently Asked Questions

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