Conceptual Unity

Conceptual Unity deals with the content components. The text or other components that are present there to convey the message or give the information should provide the best user experience. Conceptual unity is related to the user’s experience side of things. It deals with providing things that make the user experience better by tending to users’ needs. For example, adding visual dividers to the interface to separate different types of content and group similar types of content can help users to understand things more easily. Content should be presented logically so that it enhances the user’s experience by giving them proper information in the most brief way possible.

Unity Principle of Design

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Unity Principle

Unity principle is about harmonizing the design of an interface. All the elements present in the design should be visually and logically harmonized. Harmonizing all the colors, shapes, images, texts, dividers, textures, etc to make the design look visually appealing and logically correct is part of the Unity Principle. All these small factors make the design look good on an overall interface. The elements that are present in the interface should complement each other by making the important components stand out....

Conceptual Unity

Conceptual Unity deals with the content components. The text or other components that are present there to convey the message or give the information should provide the best user experience. Conceptual unity is related to the user’s experience side of things. It deals with providing things that make the user experience better by tending to users’ needs. For example, adding visual dividers to the interface to separate different types of content and group similar types of content can help users to understand things more easily. Content should be presented logically so that it enhances the user’s experience by giving them proper information in the most brief way possible....

Visual Unity

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Why Unity Principle is Important?

Unity Principle helps in making the interface look presentable and easier to understand. Unity Principle improves visual hierarchy of the interface by giving the them a style like giving textures, colors, adding images, animations, etc. Different elements are given a different level of visual elevation based on their importance. This creates a hierarchy among the elements that is good for the interface as the important part gets more focus. Unity Principle helps in making the user experience better by using the elements in a conceptually and logically better manner. Designing the interface in a way that that tends to enhance the user’s needs. User’s convenience is what matters the most so tending to their needs by providing them a better experience while using the interface helps a lot. It also creates a unique Brand Identity as user’s journey through the interface helps them in understanding the service or the product better and it develops an emotional connection with the user....

Best Practices

Aligning the Elements: Aligning the elements on a common axis makes the content look symmetric and not just randomly placed. Repetition: Repetition of the visual elements helps the user to identify what that specific content means. For example, if a specific color represents something on the interface user can identify that specific color for that element or elements similar to that. Contrast: Using contrast on elements helps in differentiating and grouping the elements. Using contrast for certain sections of the interface can help the components to stand out from the background or stand out from the other components. Proximity between components: Proximity is the distance between two components. It tells the relation between two components by the distance between them. If they are far away then they are not related and if they are near then they might be related....


Unity Principle helps in designing an interface that is very user friendly and look very visually appealing. Placing elements logically at the right place and using colors that complement each other helps in building the interface which is very user conscious. Harmony between the elements is necessary and shouldn’t be ignored. It can help in creating a hierarchy between the elements. Having a hierarchy level between the elements help in making the important part stand out. It creates an emotional connection between interface and the user if the user’s experience with the interface is very good....