Conclusion – Difference Between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers

Angiosperms or flowering plants exhibit various floral symmetry. Some flowers are asymmetric which means they do not exhibit any symmetry in their floral parts. The difference between actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers are discussed here. Actinomorphic flowers exhibit radial symmetry. They are regular flowers and their floral parts are equal in shape and size. Zygomorphic flowers exhibit bilateral symmetry. The floral parts of these flowers are unequal in size and hence these flowers are popularly known as irregular flowers.

Difference between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers

The difference between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic flowers is based on floral symmetries. Floral symmetry means how any flower can be divided or split into two identical (mirror-image) parts. Floral symmetry is important because it helps us understand the pattern of evolution in various flowers. In this article, we will study the difference between Actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers and the importance of flower symmetry.

Difference between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers

Table of Content

  • Floral Symmetry
  • Actinomorphic Flowers
  • Zygomorphic Flowers
  • Difference Between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers
  • Conclusion: Difference Between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers
  • FAQs on Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers

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Conclusion – Difference Between Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers

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FAQs on Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic Flowers

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